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8 Pud's Blog

Images & words from an Internet entrepreneur and coder. Mostly I work on DistroKid, which is the best way for musicians to sell their music In iTunes, Spotify, Amazon, and mor...

pud.com pud.com/rss

8 Hey, Miss At...

“Hey, Miss At…” it’s the begInnIng of some of the most unfathomable sentences I’ll ever hear. I can’t believe I am In my fifth year of teachIng! I also can’t bel...

heymissat.com heymissat.com/rss

5 In The Buddha’s Words

**Note:** This post is reproduced from [Dhamma Wheel](Http://dhammawheel.com/viewtopic.php?f=25&t=14640#p279487). This post gives lInks to freely-available versions of the sut...

discourse.suttacentral.net discourse.suttacent...-buddha-s-words/29.rss

4 Carbon Culture Review RSS Feed

* All payIng submitters will receive a free digital issue of CCR. WE ARE OFFERInG A $1000 AWARD FOR CCR'S FIRST POETRY FILM PRIZE In 2015--WITH NO ENTRY FEE! [Http://carbonc...

carboncultur...submittable.com carbonculturereview.submittable.com/rss

0 Jane Eyre Gets Real: Literary Characters Talk About The...

Read Jane Eyre Gets Real by Annabelle Troy. 9 Literary Characters FInd Themselves on a Reality TV Show In Contemporary NYC! Read the novel on Amazon at Http://www.Amazon.com/J...

cicily17.wordpress.com cicily17.wordpress.com/feed/

0 Chris The Photog

This blog is a "Blogs of Note" It was chosen by the Blogger Team at Google as beIng InterestIng and noteworthy. It is an almost daily look at what I photograph. Please check o...

christhephotog.blogspot.com christhephotog.blog.../posts/default?alt=rss

0 A KIndle World Blog

This KIndle blog of KIndle Fire, Paperwhite, and other e-Ink KIndle tips and KIndle news - with lInks to Free KIndle Books (contemporary also) - explores the less-known capabi...

kindleworld.blogspot.com kindleworld.blogspo.../posts/default?alt=rss

0 J.S. Park

[TakIng a temporary break (sort of).] Former atheist/agnostic, now a pastor, chaplaIn-In-traInIng, and professional rambler. A recovered porn addict, fifth degree black belt, ...

jspark3000.tumblr.com jspark3000.tumblr.com/rss


CHInESE InSECTS AND SPIDERS Amateur macrophotography of an Australian livIng In ChIna. (ALL BLOG IMAGES ARE MY OWN)DEFInITION:SIno- /ˈsʌɪnəʊ / a combInIng form meanIng �...

sinobug.tumblr.com sinobug.tumblr.com/rss

0 Thangarian Amazon

I’m Caitlyn & I’m a homoromantic gray-asexual. On this blog you shall fInd many posts about comic books, anime, LGBTQ rights, nsfw, as well as completely random stuff! Als...

wonderhawk.tumblr.com wonderhawk.tumblr.com/rss

0 I've Just Now Decided I Hate Canada

michaela/mason / they/he / 16 ♑/♐ ♒ ♑ i love people and dogs and you. i like a lot of thIngs and my blog doesn’t really have a type i thInk you are all valuable and ...

culturallyre...turl.tumblr.com culturallyrelevanturl.tumblr.com/rss

0 The WizardGoddess's Lair

Hannah | 23 | Uni Student ~Social Work | Proud Bisexual | ENTP | Australian ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Amazon Wishlist: Http://amzn.com/w/81EDYGN8H2FD ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~...

phoenixfire-...dess.tumblr.com phoenixfire-thewizardgoddess.tumblr.com/rss

0 The Guru WithIn

The word “Guru” comes from “gu” meanIng Darkness and “ru” meanIng Light. Together “guru” means out of darkness Into light. Guru can be anythIng or anyone but i...

guruwithin.tumblr.com guruwithin.tumblr.com/rss

0 Amazon PrIncess

This blog is designed to have multiple contributors and share Wonder Woman news and thoughts. Email me [Http://www.blogger.com/profile/17950956139088139753] with your blogger ...

amazon-princess.blogspot.com amazon-princess.blo.../posts/default?alt=rss

0 Photos & Kotoba

Food & Kawaii Photographs - OrigInal Images, Plus Kotoba(Words) - Tokyo, Japan. ふたつの別ブログあり。 文章中心: Http://chuck-snowbug-kotoba.tumblr.com/ Reblog-...

chuck-snowbug.tumblr.com chuck-snowbug.tumblr.com/rss

0 ✨#ForTheFuture✨

Clare/22/Irish livIng In Japan ☮♡ college student, otaku, pastel prIncess, fuck-up, future hikikomori & proudly part of the Free!dom :)/人◕‿‿◕人\ ✖ とて�...

fadingx.tumblr.com fadingx.tumblr.com/rss

0 Http://banknote.tumblr.com/

Amazon WishlistI’m Charlotte, I’ve weaponised red lipstick and blue eyes. I only ever learned one Instrument, I’m a grade 6 at playIng the Man In his Early Twenties.I’...

banknote.tumblr.com banknote.tumblr.com/rss

0 My Parents Were Awesome

document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='Http://picuous.github.com/tumblrbox/tumblrbox.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E")); MY PARENTS WERE AWESOME: THE BOOK now ava...

myparentswer...some.tumblr.com myparentswereawesome.tumblr.com/rss

0 STFU, Conservatives

“Popular outrage-du-jour Tumblr” - Gawker “One of the 90 Best Tumblr Blogs of 2011” -Buzzfeed Recipient - ThInkProgress’ Inaugural Golden ThInkr Awards Aren’t you ...

stfuconservatives.tumblr.com stfuconservatives.tumblr.com/rss

0 Kerem Mermutlu.

I’m addicted to coffee and codIng (and a bit of writIng too!). I write a short story every week and post it here on my blog. My novels are available from Amazon.co.uk and Am...

keremmermutlu.tumblr.com keremmermutlu.tumblr.com/rss