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The Guru Within

The word “Guru” comes from “gu” meaning Darkness and “ru” meaning Light. Together “guru” means out of darkness into light. Guru can be anything or anyone but in the end the True Guru is your highest Self. /* * World Populution Counter - By JavaScript Kit (http://www.javascriptkit.com) * Based on code by Adam Brown * This notice MUST stay intact for use * Visit JavaScript Kit (http://www.javascriptkit.com) for this script and more */ function maind(){ startdate = new Date() now(startdate.getYear(),startdate.getMonth(),startdate.getDate(),startdate.getHours(),startdate.getMinutes(),startdate.getSeconds()) } function ChangeValue(number,pv){ numberstring ="" var j=0 var i=0 while (number > 1) { numberstring = (Math.round(number-0.5) % 10) + numberstring number= number / 10 j++ if (number > 1 && j==3) { numberstring = "," + numberstring j=0} i++ } numberstring=numberstring if (pv==1) {document.getElementById("worldpop").innerHTML=numberstring } } function now(year,month,date,hours,minutes,seconds){ startdatum = new Date(year,month,date,hours,minutes,seconds) var now = 5600000000.0 var now2 = 5690000000.0 var groeipercentage = (now2 - now) / now *100 var groeiperseconde = (now * (groeipercentage/100))/365.0/24.0/60.0/60.0 nu = new Date () schuldstartdatum = new Date (96,1,1) secondenoppagina = (nu.getTime() - startdatum.getTime())/1000 totaleschuld= (nu.getTime() - schuldstartdatum.getTime())/1000*groeiperseconde + now ChangeValue(totaleschuld,1); timerID = setTimeout("now(startdatum.getYear(),startdatum.getMonth(),startdatum.getDate(),startdatum.getHours(),startdatum.getMinutes(),startdatum.getSeconds())",200) } window.onload=maind Current world population (estimated): . This free script provided byJavaScript Kit Visit My Amazon Shop
