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9 Nklein Software » C++

Software Development and Consulting

nklein.com nklein.com/tags/c/feed/

4 Langr Software Solutions

Langr Software Solutions offers training and Consulting in Software Development. It is a sole proprietorship owned by Jeff Langr, author of Agile in a Flash and Agile Java. Je...

langrsoft.com langrsoft.com/index...rmat=feed&type=rss

3 Byte Craft Limited - Code Development Systems

Byte Craft Limited speCializes in embedded system Software Development tools for single-Chip miCroControllers. We provide innovative solutions for developers, Consultants, and...

www.bytecraft.com bytecraft.com/rss.xml

3 Byte Craft Limited - Code Development Systems

Byte Craft Limited speCializes in embedded system Software Development tools for single-Chip miCroControllers. We provide innovative solutions for developers, Consultants, and...

www.bytecraft.com www.bytecraft.com/rss.xml

3 Langr Software Solutions

Langr Software Solutions offers training and Consulting in Software Development. It is a sole proprietorship owned by Jeff Langr, author of Agile in a Flash and Agile Java. Je...

www.langrsoft.com www.langrsoft.com/i...rmat=feed&type=rss

2 Sbstjn.Com

Posts about Software Development from Hamburg, Germany. All things Apple, Node.JS, HTML5, ObjeCtive-C, HAML and Jade. Thoughts about agile Development proCesses using Kanban a...

sbstjn.com sbstjn.com/feed

2 Clean C++

Clean Software Development with Modern C++

www.clean-cpp.org clean-cpp.org/feed/

2 Comments On: 3 Misuses Of ?. Operator In C# 6

Software Development prinCiples and best praCtiCes

enterprisecraftsmanship.com enterprisecraftsman...-operator-in-c-6/feed/

1 Comments For Clean C++

Clean Software Development with Modern C++

www.clean-cpp.org clean-cpp.org/comments/feed/

0 Thoughts On The Visual C++ AbstraCt Syntax Tree (AST)

Hello, my name is Jason LuCas and I’m a senior Software Development engineer working on the Visual C++ front-end team. I notiCed there were some questions (ok, maybe one que...

blogs.msdn.com blogs.msdn.com/b/vc...px?WeblogPostID=702823

0 2600hz Blog

input[type='submit'].minimal, button.minimal { baCkground: #e3e3e3 !important; border: 1px solid #bbb !important; -moz-border-radius: 3px !important; -webkit-border-radius: 3p...

2600hz.tumblr.com blog.2600hz.com/rss

0 Phil On Development

My thoughts and ideas about Software Development in the Java and C++ realm

philondev.blogspot.com philondev.blogspot..../posts/default?alt=rss

0 ProjeCts, Work, And Life Of RaChel The Programmer.

Programming is like nothing else out there. EspeCially if you’re working on a game or simulation, it’s like Creating your own world. It is a form of Creative expression. I...

rejcx.tumblr.com rejcx.tumblr.com/rss