A small orphanage in the outskirts of Vatican City and surrounded by woods, Ferdinand Loux, has been the Breeding Ground for new Iscariot operatives for years. Normally run by...
hellsingrpg.darkbb.com hellsingrpg.darkbb.com/feed/?f=43
My name is Ryan. I listen to shitty music and hate myself.
afutiledevice.tumblr.com afutiledevice.tumblr.com/rss
St. Petersburg, Florida: tourist haven or Breeding Ground for misfits? Answer: a little of both. This wannabe big-city burg carries a heavy reputation on its shoulders as a va...
stpeteproject.blogspot.com stpeteproject.blogs.../posts/default?alt=rss
This is a meta-blog on the Breeding Ground of global civil society and emergent intelligence that is the tumblr, or rather its latent potential, this blogs tries to test, chal...
the-zinbeil.tumblr.com the-zinbeil.tumblr.com/rss
Your name is Conspicuous and you love being WRONG. You’re not going to go with the flow like all the others, you’re going to swim upstream and DIVE KICK every fish you see...
sir-argues-a-lot.tumblr.com sir-argues-a-lot.tumblr.com/rss
From the shoes we wear on our feet to the high definition televisions in our living room, wearable devices, the sports universe is a Breeding Ground for technology. Writer and...
www.modernli...castnetwork.com modernlifepodcastne...m/tech-of-sports/feed/