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This is a meta-blog on the breeding ground of global civil society and emergent intelligence that is the tumblr, or rather its latent potential, this blogs tries to test, challenge and demonstrate by commented re-blogging of other posts (basically…



Never let your alter egos die just like that.  Least of all if they have served you well, have fought some battles on the senseless fields of fan culture and have been sleeping a blissful slee...



This is a meta-blog on the breeding ground of global civil society and emergent intelligence that is the tumblr, or rather its latent potential, this blogs tries to test, challenge and demonstrate by commented re-blogging of other posts (basically…



This is a meta-blog on the breeding ground of global civil society and emergent intelligence that is the tumblr, or rather its latent potential, this blogs tries to test, challenge and demonstrate by commented re-blogging of other posts (basically…
