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6 Hooked On Wooden Boats Podcast | Celebrating The Art, C...

GET IN THE WOODEN Boat GAME with Dan Mattson on his weekly podcast exploring the world of wooden Boats, wooden Boat builders, instructors, enthusiasts, hobbyists, classic Boat...

hookedonwoodenboats.com feeds.feedburner.com/HOWBPodcast

0 Tell The Sun And Stars Hello For Me

~~bloging from Dol Amroth, Gondor, Middle Earth. Occasionally from a Viking Boat or Sunspear. ~~Spoilers everywhere!

mikroeinaitomatisou.tumblr.com mikroeinaitomatisou.tumblr.com/rss

0 Put On Your Silver Shoes&watch The House Collapse

“I know my value. Anyone else’s opinion doesn’t really matter.” If you’ve followed me for something specific, take note: I spam whatever I’m obsessing about at any...

shinyshoesha...oves.tumblr.com shinyshoeshaveyouseenmymoves.tumblr.com/rss

0 Off Adventuring On A Tiny Viking Boat

back in a bit

powerwalkingtohell.tumblr.com powerwalkingtohell.tumblr.com/rss