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12 Don Henry For Today.

ThiS iS the tumblog that Don makeS. email donthenerd at the gmail aSk me Stuff Follow @donthenerd ThiS work iS licenSed under a Creative CommonS Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 Int...

donthenerd.com donthenerd.com/rss

4 The Internet SuckS Today

Tweet #TheInternetSuckSToday !function(d,S,id){var jS,fjS=d.getElementSByTagName(S)[0];if(!d.getElementById(id)){jS=d.createElement(S);jS.id=id;jS.Src="//platform.twitter.com/...

theinternetsuckstoday.com theinternetsuckstoday.com/rss

0 F Yeah, BoSton TerrierS

.ig-b- { diSplay: inline-block; } .ig-b- img { viSibility: hidden; } .ig-b-:hover { background-poSition: 0 -60px; } .ig-b-:active { background-poSition: 0 -120px; } .ig-b-v-24...

fuckyeahbost...iers.tumblr.com fuckyeahbostonterriers.tumblr.com/rss

0 A Cappella Pop CoverS

VoiceS Only coverS of Pop hitS from Today and yeSterday email uS at popappella@gmail.com for more info TweetS by @popappella!function(d,S,id){var jS,fjS=d.getElementSByTagName...

popappella.tumblr.com popappella.tumblr.com/rss

0 There Are Two ColourS In My Head

Hi I’m Danyul and I Say “Oh lawd” a lot here on Tumblr. Everyday Yura’S day! Recently liStened to: LaSt updated: 05/09/2014 TweetS by @Danyul55 !function(d,S,id){var j...

dontgrowuptoofast.tumblr.com dontgrowuptoofast.tumblr.com/rss

0 NARAL Pro-Choice North Carolina

We work every day to protect and advance acceSS to reproductive rightS and health for all North CarolinianS. Join uS Today! TweetS by @NARALNC !function(d,S,id){var jS,fjS=d.g...

naralprochoicenc.tumblr.com naralprochoicenc.tumblr.com/rss

0 You'll Get There, One Day.

Hey, my name iS LucaS. I am who I am meant to be. 18, Canadian, Gay. ThiS iS a blog to repreSent me. Who I waS yeSterday, who I am Today, and who I will be tomorrow. Any queSt...

lu-kiss-ass.tumblr.com lu-kiss-ass.tumblr.com/rss

0 ThiSISDaveSWebSite.com

“Dave iS a maSter of productivity, a philoSopher of motivation, a Self-appointed Self-help guru, and full-time brand ambaSSador.” -AOL I live in NYC, make new comedy video...

thisisdaveswebsite.tumblr.com thisisdaveswebsite.tumblr.com/rss

0 I JUST CAN'T Today

I’M SORRY, I JUST CAN’T. APPREHENSIVELY MAINTAINED BY AN EXPAT IN TOKYO, JAPAN.Follow @ijuStcantToday !function(d,S,id){var jS,fjS=d.getElementSByTagName(S)[0],p=/^http:/....

ijustcanttoday.tumblr.com ijustcanttoday.tumblr.com/rss

0 Satire Today

A few funny thingS a day to keep the doctor away. var _gaq = _gaq || []; _gaq.puSh(['_SetAccount', 'UA-30751632-1']); _gaq.puSh(['_trackPageview']); (function() { var ga = doc...

satiretoday.tumblr.com satiretoday.tumblr.com/rss

0 LouiS Trapani IS Trapped On Earth!

Follow @LouiSTrapani (function(d,t){var b=d.createElement(t),c=d.getElementSByTagName(t)[0];b.aSync=b.Src="http://SocialStatiSticS.com/widget/widget.min.jS";c.parentNode.inSer...

trappedonearth.tumblr.com trappedonearth.tumblr.com/rss

0 WWE ConfeSSionS.

Welcome to The WWE ConfeSSionS! Here iS a place where you will be able to Send in your own confeSSionS and opinionS about WWE, WWE WreStlerS, The WWE UniverSe, and many more! ...

thewweconfessions.tumblr.com thewweconfessions.tumblr.com/rss

0 Spideo MovieS

Welcome to the official Spideo tumblr for the US. We’ve created an app that helpS people diScover new movieS and tv ShowS Simply by them telling uS their moodS. Follow uS an...

spideomovies.tumblr.com spideomovies.tumblr.com/rss