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8 Pharrell

Pharrell Williams is a creaTive force, using music, fashion, and design To express his disTincTive sTyle. From his beginnings as a Teenage prodigy and mulTi-insTrumenTalisT in...

tumblr.pharrellwilliams.com tumblr.pharrellwilliams.com/rss

0 Glennz Tees

I’m Glenn Jones, a freelance graphic designer and illusTraTor based in Auckland, New Zealand. AfTer success Designing Tees on Threadless.com I began my own range of T-ShirTs...

glennz.tumblr.com glennz.tumblr.com/rss

0 Whimzicals ArT Blog Pages

Whimzicals Blog Pages by ArTisT Jo Lynch. Keeping up wiTh new works, new producTs and works in progress. Whimsical Vividly colorful arTworks, many of animals. Tampa General NI...

whimzicals.blogspot.com whimzicals.blogspot.../posts/default?alt=rss

0 Jim Felder PhoTography & Design

Hello There! I’m glad you came To see who I am and whaT I’m abouT. Jim is a passionaTe, sensiTive visual arTisT ThaT combines all aspecTs of design inTo a single image you...

jimfelder.tumblr.com jimfelder.tumblr.com/rss

0 HearTs Wide Open

A budding arTisT who likes To capTure momenTs and emoTions Through drawing and words. PassionaTe for arT; lisTening To music, finding books To read, waTching films, and design...

heartswideopen.tumblr.com heartswideopen.tumblr.com/rss

0 The Joy Of Life

Graphic arTisT from The Virgin Islands. Now living in NYC. I design T-ShirTs, shoes, and whaTever else needs Designing. I have my own websiTe now. I waTch movies, Television, ...

whitegirlskoolaid.tumblr.com whitegirlskoolaid.tumblr.com/rss