Learn about our programs and research in Design, Ergonomics, Manufacturing, Robotics, Solid Mechanics, Thermal Fluids and Energy Systems.
www.mech.utah.edu mech.utah.edu/feed/
Learn about our programs and research in Design, Ergonomics, Manufacturing, Robotics, Solid Mechanics, Thermal Fluids and Energy Systems.
www.mech.utah.edu mech.utah.edu/comments/feed/
Mechanical Engineering Research is an international, double-blind peer- reviewed, open-access journal. Mechanical Engineering Research is published by the Canadian Center of S...
www.ccsenet.org www.ccsenet.org/jou...FeedGatewayPlugin/rss2
Making the world a better place, one Evil Mad Scientist at a time.
www.evilmadscientist.com www.evilmadscientis...neering/robotics/feed/
The Lifeboat Foundation is a nonprofit nongovernmental organization dedicated to encouraging scientific advancements while helping humanity survive existential risks and possi...
lifeboat.com lifeboat.com/news/rss/
The Lifeboat Foundation is a nonprofit nongovernmental organization dedicated to encouraging scientific advancements while helping humanity survive existential risks and possi...
russian.lifeboat.com russian.lifeboat.com/news/rss
Inspire children to programming, Robotics and Engineering
www.devoxx4kids.org www.devoxx4kids.org/feed/
Olin College Robotics Sailing Team. Electrical, Mechanical and Computer Engineering students creating a robotic sailboat with the ultimate goal of a trans-Atlantic crossing. C...
olinsailbot.com olinroboticsailing.wordpress.com/feed/
Making Robotics, science and Engineering fun for future generations! (formerly Adventures With Robots)
www.thegreatadventurelab.com thegreatadventurelab.com/comments/feed/
Making Robotics, science and Engineering fun for future generations! (formerly Adventures With Robots)
www.thegreatadventurelab.com thegreatadventurelab.com/feed/
Olin College Robotics Sailing Team. Electrical, Mechanical and Computer Engineering students creating a robotic sailboat with the ultimate goal of a trans-Atlantic crossing. C...
olinsailbot.com olinroboticsailing.com/comments/feed/
Game programming, Robotics, Engineering for kids in a fun way!
usa.devoxx4kids.org www.devoxx4kids.org/usa/comments/feed/
Katie, from Chicago. LEGO Robotics and Engineering instructor toy collector, likes to sew. Probably not a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent.
lankybrunett...deux.tumblr.com lankybrunettepartdeux.tumblr.com/rss
Name: Leoncio aka Leo :D Age:18 Occupation: Band, Robotics Weapons of Choice: Tuba, Baritone, trombone and Engineering Fandoms: Doctor Who, Supernatural, Sherlock, Harry Potte...
tu-bruh.tumblr.com tu-bruh.tumblr.com/rss
Essentially what’s happening is that I used to be active, but then fell off the planet’s face and into a turbulent world of classwork, self-loathing, and forced volunteer ...
smilingvicious.tumblr.com smilingvicious.tumblr.com/rss
College senior aspiring to become an MD/PhD with a PhD in either surgical Robotics software Engineering or computational/systems neuroscience. Undergraduate degrees in Philoso...
philosonista.tumblr.com philosonista.tumblr.com/rss
Welcome to the Bronx H.S. of Science’s all-girls FIRST Robotics team, the Fe Maidens. As a team comprised solely of female members, we hope to dissolve the stereotypes of wo...
femaidens.tumblr.com femaidens.tumblr.com/rss
Game programming, Robotics, Engineering for kids in a fun way!
usa.devoxx4kids.org www.devoxx4kids.org/usa/welcome/feed/
Olin College Robotics Sailing Team. Electrical, Mechanical and Computer Engineering students creating a robotic sailboat with the ultimate goal of a trans-Atlantic crossing. C...
olinsailbot.com olinroboticsailing....s.com/front-page/feed/
Inspire children to programming, Robotics and Engineering
www.devoxx4kids.org www.devoxx4kids.org/sample-page/feed/