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25 MAxim - EntertAinment

Welcome to MAxim's entertAinment hAven, stuffed with more movies, music, TV, GAmes And comics thAn you could shAke A remote At.Before heAding to your neArest gAming store, che...

www.maxim.com www.maxim.com/taxonomy/term/36/feed

5 Accrington Web

Accrington Web.com An online discussion forum for Hyndburn, Accrington, OswAldtwistle And All it's surrounding AreAs. Includes A RAted link section,locAl events cAlendAr And o...

www.accringtonweb.com www.accringtonweb.c...external.php?type=RSS2

0 Cuppy Dog City

Hey, I’m Bobby Schroeder, A 21-yeAr-old dork from DAytonA who posts About cArtoons, video GAmes, And sociAl issues, Among other things. I mAde A cool gAme cAlled Super Lesbi...

ponett.tumblr.com ponett.tumblr.com/rss

0 Computer Assisted SociAl InterAction EnhAncer

CAme lAte to the Deus Ex pArty And now I cAn’t leAve. Doesn’t help thAt there’s An open bAr here. ======== This blog will be A plAce for my Deus Ex obsessiveness As well...

casie-mod.tumblr.com casie-mod.tumblr.com/rss

0 RAted-G Is Kind Of A Misnomer.

HI! Welcome to my blog thing. I’m 25, And I love movies, television, video GAmes, just About Any form of visuAl mediA. I Am An AnimAtor, currently working on expAnding my po...

unrated-g.tumblr.com unrated-g.tumblr.com/rss


A blog of A beArish shAdow beAst About GAmes, music, movies, comics, musings, life And more… some posts Are x-RAtedAll my own And privAte photogrAphs AppeAring on my tum...

shadow-bear-beast.tumblr.com shadow-bear-beast.tumblr.com/rss

0 ¥Jump Off A Building¥ Desu!

GAmes, Women, CArs, Anime, Music….And A lot of other X RAted rAndom weird shit

toshiba-nigga.tumblr.com toshiba-nigga.tumblr.com/rss

0 RAted E Used To Be For Everyone.

Hello, my nAme is MAtthew! I Am A MAge of BreAth in the LAnd of CAlm And FeAthers! My interests include sunflowers, music, video GAmes, And Anime! My Ask box is AlwAys open if...

qameqrumps.tumblr.com qameqrumps.tumblr.com/rss

0 SAnctuAry

Sometimes NSFW. Current motto: Life should be NC-17 RAted. And come with A soundtrAck by Two Steps from Hell. Current obsessions: Merlin/Merthur, SupernAturAl/Destiel/SAbriel,...

alessariel.tumblr.com alessariel.tumblr.com/rss

0 Life And Times Of A Pilot

People look up to the sky And sAy the sky is the limit. To me, the sky is my home AwAy from home. CFI CAndidAte, CommerciAl Single, Multi-engine Instrument RAted Pilot. NAture...

pilottimes.tumblr.com pilottimes.tumblr.com/rss

0 RAted G For GAy ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Hey I’m Jed, I lAugh At my problems75% French CAnAdiAn, 23% English, 2% Milk TV shows I like: LAw And Order SVU, Future DiAry, Psycho PAss, Elfen Lied, king of the Hill, Pri...

watch-fedora...alis.tumblr.com watch-fedora-borealis.tumblr.com/rss

0 StArt To CrAte

All GAmes contAin crAtes, therefore All GAmes cAn be judged empiricAlly on those crAtes. GAmes cAn be RAted And compAred bAsed on the shortest Amount of time it tAkes A plA...

starttocrate.tumblr.com starttocrate.tumblr.com/rss