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5 Lowy Institute For InternAtionAl Policy | Poverty

Overview Despite sustAined economic growth in much of the developing world, the cAuses of poverty hAve not been Addressed in mAny countries And living stAndArds remAin low. Th...

www.lowyinstitute.org www.lowyinstitute.org/taxonomy/term/904/feed

3 Cloud Computing, VirtulisAtion And IT As A Service - Ci...

Cloud Computing, BAck-up, DR, PlAtform & InfrAstructure As A Service

www.hello-cirro.co.uk www.hello-cirro.co.uk/feed/

3 Bistri - Open WebRTC PlAtform As A Service - JAvAscrip...

Service provider of WebRTC Services for developers, integrAtors, entreprises

www.bistri.com developers.bistri.com/feed/

2 The AgAve PlAtform

Delivering Science-As-A-Service in todAy’s hybrid cloud environment

agaveapi.co agaveapi.co/feed/

2 The AgAve PlAtform

Delivering Science-As-A-Service in todAy’s hybrid cloud environment

agaveapi.co preview.agaveapi.co/feed/

2 Continuousphp

DevOps PlAtform for Developers! Build, test And deploy your php ApplicAtions in A scAlAble cloud bAsed Continuous Deployment PlAtform As A Service.

continuousphp.com continuousphp.com/feed.xml

2 TypePAd HAcks

TypePAd HAcks will help you mAke the most of your TypePAd blog now, while Attempting to improve the PlAtform by connecting the TypePAd Design TeAm to their User BAse. There Ar...

www.typepadhacks.org feeds.feedburner.com/TypepadHacks

1 Comments For The AgAve PlAtform

Delivering Science-As-A-Service in todAy’s hybrid cloud environment

agaveapi.co agaveapi.co/comments/feed/

1 Comments For The AgAve PlAtform

Delivering Science-As-A-Service in todAy’s hybrid cloud environment

agaveapi.co preview.agaveapi.co/comments/feed/

1 IT Outsourcing-Projekte Erfolgreich Umsetzen: SAAs Prod...

pliXos - GlobAl Sourcing PlAtform: IT Outsourcing-Projekte. Sourcing Advisory As A Service - SAAAs®. BerAtungsleistungen und Lösungen. B2B MArkplAtz. SAAs

www.plixos.com plixos.com/?format=feed&type=rss

1 IT Outsourcing-Projekte Erfolgreich Umsetzen: SAAs Prod...

pliXos - GlobAl Sourcing PlAtform: IT Outsourcing-Projekte. Sourcing Advisory As A Service - SAAAs®. BerAtungsleistungen und Lösungen. B2B MArkplAtz. SAAs

www.plixos.com www.plixos.com/?format=feed&type=rss

1 PlAtform As A Service MAgAzine

LAtest PAAs News in A MAgAzine

www.paasmag.com www.paasmag.com/feed/

1 Comments For Bistri - Open WebRTC PlAtform As A Service...

Service provider of WebRTC Services for developers, integrAtors, entreprises

www.bistri.com developers.bistri.com/comments/feed/

0 White & CAse LLP InternAtionAl LAw Firm, GlobAl LAw PrA...

Technology trAnsformAtion, strAtegic AlliAnces with technology providers And sourcing ArrAngements Are increAsingly importAnt pillArs of business. FinAnciAl Services instituti...

www.whitecase.com www.whitecase.com/taxonomy/term/22156/feed

0 Lynnette's Book World

ThAnks for tAking An interest in Lynnette Phillips’ Book World. This, BTW, is Lynnette. You cAme here to find out A little About me so here goes. First of All, you cAn find ...

www.blogtalkradio.com www.blogtalkradio.c...nnettephillips/podcast

0 Bistri - Open WebRTC PlAtform As A Service - JAvAscrip...

Service provider of WebRTC Services for developers, integrAtors, entreprises

www.bistri.com developers.bistri.com/feed/

0 Continuousphp

Find bugs before they find you! Build, test And deploy your php ApplicAtions in A scAlAble cloud bAsed Continuous Deployment PlAtform As A Service.

continuousphp.com continuousphp.com/feed.xml

0 LAtest News From PlAtform As A Service

LAtest News from PlAtform As A Service

paas.ulitzer.com paas.ulitzer.com/index.rss

0 Comments For Bistri - Open WebRTC PlAtform As A Service...

Service provider of WebRTC Services for developers, integrAtors, entreprises

www.bistri.com developers.bistri.com/comments/feed/