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rss feeds for online social psychology studies

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27 Online Social Psychology Studies

From Social Psychology Network

www.socialpsychology.org www.socialpsycholog...ed.rss?type=studylinks

19 International Journal Of Psychological Studies

Published by the Canadian Center of Science and Education, International Journal of Psychological Studies (IJPS) is an international, peer-reviewed, open-access journal with b...

www.ccsenet.org www.ccsenet.org/jou...FeedGatewayPlugin/rss2

4 International Journal Of Social Science Research

International Journal of Social Science Research (Online ISSN: 2327-5510) is an international, double blind peer-reviewed, open-access academic research journal, published sem...

ijssr.macrothink.org www.macrothink.org/...FeedGatewayPlugin/rss2