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52 Psych2go

Psych2go feAtures psychology findings And myths. We currently hAve up A website thAt focuses On critiquing the posts On this blog. Click here to find out more. For more detAil...

psych2go.me psych2go.me/rss


One HAppy gAl On A colourful Design MissiOn whilst Rocking Gypsy Kitsch in SurburbiA

www.happylovesrosie.com www.happylovesrosie.../posts/default?alt=rss


One HAppy gAl On A colourful Design MissiOn whilst Rocking Gypsy Kitsch in SurburbiA

www.happylovesrosie.com www.happylovesrosie.com/feeds/posts/default

32 No SpAce Is SAfer

MommA is A FAiry ShArk Mother. Her MissiOn is to bring joy And understAnding. MommA Also collects bAby teeth On weekends.

fairysharkmother.com fairysharkmother.com/rss

30 Center For Service And LeArning CAlendAr

The Center for Service And LeArning involves students, fAculty And stAff in educAtiOnAlly meAningful service Activities thAt mutuAlly benefit the cAmpus And community. The mis...

events.iupui.edu events.iupui.edu/feeds/calendar_131.xml

27 VegAnsAurus!

VegAnsAurus is A vegAn lifestyle guide. It is definitive/ArbitrAry. WAnt more info? TOO BAD! JK, click OnAbout Us” And be whisked AwAy to A mAgicAl wOnderlAnd/our “Abo...

vegansaurus.com vegansaurus.com/rss

26 The OfficiAl Blog Of MAdSweAt

Being heAlthy is hArd, not impossible. As NASM MAster TrAiners we will provide you with the guidAnce necessAry to reAch your fitness goAls. Our MissiOn is to shAre informAtiOn...

blog.madsweat.com blog.madsweat.com/rss

24 S O C R A T E S


www.openaccessweek.org www.socratesjournal...FeedGatewayPlugin/atom

24 Runs For Cookies

In August 2009, I went On A MissiOn to lose 100+ pounds. I lost 125 pounds in 16 mOnths, And now I'm doing my best to keep it off. Unwilling to give up my love AffAir with coo...

www.runsforcookies.com www.runsforcookies..../posts/default?alt=rss

23 LAnd Trust AlliAnce - BoArds

Resources for LAnd Trust BoArd Members As A boArd member, your number One job is to direct your lAnd trust. You Are pArt of the lAnd trust's visiOnAry teAm thAt estAblishes it...

www.landtrustalliance.org www.landtrustallian.../taxonomy/term/39/feed

23 BisexuAl Women Of Color BIWOC

CreAted On June 5th, 2013, BIWOC is An orgAnizAtiOn whose MissiOn is to provide emotiOnAl support, resources, community, And A sAfe spAce to discuss intersectiOnAl issues thAt...

www.biwoc.org www.biwoc.org/rss

23 Film New Europe - FilmNewEurope.com - FilmNewEurope.com

FILM NEW EUROPE is A free On-line dAily informAtiOn service thAt provides cOntinuAlly updAted news About the film And TV industries in the 12 new EuropeAn UniOn stAtes plus Tu...

www.filmneweurope.com www.filmneweurope.c...rmat=feed&type=rss

22 The BMJ PodcAst

The BMJ is An internAtiOnAl peer reviewed medicAl journAl And A fully “Online first” publicAtiOn. The BMJ’s visiOn is to be the world’s most influentiAl And widely reA...

podcasts.bmj.com podcasts.bmj.com/bmj/feed

21 EuropeAn Public HeAlth AlliAnce

EPHA is An internAtiOnAl nOn-profit AssociAtiOn registered in Belgium. Our membership is composed of not-for-profit orgAnisAtiOns working On All Aspects of public heAlth. Who ...

www.epha.org epha.org/spip.php?page=backend

21 EuropeAn Public HeAlth AlliAnce

EPHA is An internAtiOnAl nOn-profit AssociAtiOn registered in Belgium. Our membership is composed of not-for-profit orgAnisAtiOns working On All Aspects of public heAlth. Who ...

www.epha.org www.epha.org/spip.p...nd&id_rubrique=364

21 EuropeAn Public HeAlth AlliAnce

EPHA is An internAtiOnAl nOn-profit AssociAtiOn registered in Belgium. Our membership is composed of not-for-profit orgAnisAtiOns working On All Aspects of public heAlth. Who ...

www.epha.org www.epha.org/spip.php?page=backend

20 Check List

Check List is A peer-reviewed Online journAl, devoted to publishing biodiversity dAtA relAted to species' geogrAphic distributiOn. Thus, our primAry MissiOn is to fill the so...

biotaxa.org biotaxa.org/cl/gate...FeedGatewayPlugin/rss2

19 ChAnge This MAnifesto Issues

We're On A MissiOn to chAnge minds And promote greAt ideAs.

www.changethis.com feeds.feedburner.com/ChangeThis

19 DiAled In - The BAndwidth Blog » DiAled In - The BAndw...

We’re tAking On A big MissiOn to shAke up An entire telecom industry. Come see whAt we're up to.

blog.bandwidth.com blog.bandwidth.com/feed/

19 Openbox9: StrAtegy, BrAnding, And Design » ClAire Kenn...

StrAtegy & design firm in WAshingtOn DC On A MissiOn to AdvAnce the role of design in business strAtegies. People crAzy enough to think they cAn chAnge the world, need A desig...

openbox9.com openbox9.com/author/claire/feed/