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21 Dork Shelf » Noah R. Taylor

Film, Comics, Games, TV, Podcasts, Events, Toronto

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0 We Are More Than Slightly Ashamed

Top notch (in our highly subjective and humble opinion) Robert Pattinson Jake Gyllenhaal Music Gods Conor Oberst Jim James Dan Auerbach Salem Al Fakir Musicians Adam Lambert A...

fuckyeahgorg...guys.tumblr.com fuckyeahgorgeousguys.tumblr.com/rss

0 No Monster In The Land Can Understand

My name is Noah and I blog about Taylor Swift and bad puns. Check the page Other Blogs for my side blogs. Taylor followed 5/9/15

stereottypicality.tumblr.com stereottypicality.tumblr.com/rss

0 CrissColfer Is So On!!!!!

My name is Tonya. All of my favorite OTP’s include: CrissColfer {Chris Colfer & Darren Criss}, Klaine {Kurt Hummel & Blaine Anderson} from: “Glee”, Coliver {Connor Walsh...

klaineandcri...ever.tumblr.com klaineandcrisscolfer4ever.tumblr.com/rss

0 Smile For The Picture

Bryana. 15. Sophomore. Honors Student. Violinist. Bicycle Enthusiast. Book Nerd. Music Obsessed. Vegan. Food Lover. Feminist. Allergic to Labels. Multifandom.Currently Reading...

tolove-isto-destroy.tumblr.com tolove-isto-destroy.tumblr.com/rss