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0 Things I Enjoy

Software developer and dad. When not doing one of those two things I’m usually found watching movies and enjoying my random hobbies. Love the 80’s, video Games, toys, cart...

jimbuschman.tumblr.com jimbuschman.tumblr.com/rss

0 I Am A Leaf On The Wind...

Firefly…one of the greatest rides that ever was, yet it was also a flight that ended too soon. May it live forever in the fans who enjoy and cherish it. For as long as we ar...

jm-fireflycl...port.tumblr.com jm-fireflyclasstransport.tumblr.com/rss

0 Green Asian Lame Bean

Lame human. Artist. Japanese living in America, likes Pokemon, Keroro Gunso, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Games are cool, Monster Hunter, SSB4, etc. http://greenculus.deviant...

greenculus.tumblr.com greenculus.tumblr.com/rss

0 Some Art And Stuff.

I’m Tiff, I like to draw, and play video Games, and read comics, and watch movies, and listen to music, and breathe, and reblogging, and Ninja Turtles, and michael mando, an...

my-canga.tumblr.com my-canga.tumblr.com/rss

-1 S-Z Database

RETURN TO HOMEPAGE SUBMIT A REQUESTA-G Database    H-L Database    M-R DatabaseSSabrina the Teenage WitchSailor MoonSalemSam & CatSam Smith - Music Vid...

wearwhatyouw...seiv.tumblr.com wearwhatyouwatchdatabaseiv.tumblr.com/rss