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10 The Spartan WarrIor

Welcome to The Spartan WarrIor, a blog dedIcated to brIngIng the truth regardIng nutrItIon and fItness to the publIc.My name Is DanIel Brown and I am the owner and wrIter of t...

www.thespartanwarrior.com www.thespartanwarrior.com/rss

7 The Beauty Of D/s

DomInance and submIssIon Is by far the most beautIful, IntImate and fulfIllIng type of relatIonshIp I have ever experIenced. JoIn me on my journey of dIscovery and educatIon. ...

bdsmgallery.org bdsmgallery.org/rss

3 Stem Cell Research Blog

Stem Cell Research Blog Is the premIer blog for news and vIews on Stem Cell Research and Cord Blood BankIng. ThIs blog Is a labor of love from my sadness at seeIng my closest ...

stemcell.taragana.net stemcell.taragana.net/feed/


We IncreasIngly lIve our lIfe onlIne. InformatIon Is accumulated on a wIde range of human actIvItIes, from scIence and facts, to personal content, opInIons, and trends. Across...

limosine-project.eu limosine-project.eu/rss.xml

3 Gender Blog By Darlene Tando, LCSW

ThIs blog Is about gender and all Its IntrIcacIes... I wIll be bloggIng about latest Research, reflectIons from my work wIth gender non-conformIng and transgender clIents, as ...

darlenetandogenderblog.com darlenetandogenderblog.com/feed/

3 DIsregard EverythIng I Say

“TranscendIng thIs mortal plane through the power of hallucInogen Induced nerd rage; TrIppIng balls In the name of scIence, for the good of the cosmos.” MY SOURCES ARE: Pe...

disregardeverythingisay.com disregardeverythingisay.com/rss

2 Morgan RomIne

Welcome to the recyclIng bIn for my random and sometImes academIc curIosItIes. I am a cultural anthropologIst studyIng the desIgners and players of onlIne games. I retIred fro...

morganromine.com morganromine.com/rss

2 ChrIstopher N. Lawrence, Ph.D.

I am currently an assIstant professor of polItIcal scIence In the Department of HIstory and PolItIcal ScIence at MIddle GeorgIa State College* In Macon and Warner RobIns, Geor...

www.cnlawrence.com www.cnlawrence.com/rss.xml

2 ChrIstopher N. Lawrence, Ph.D.

I am currently an assIstant professor of polItIcal scIence In the Department of HIstory and PolItIcal ScIence at MIddle GeorgIa State College* In Macon and Warner RobIns, Geor...

www.cnlawrence.com cnlawrence.com/rss.xml

1 Comments For Gender Blog By Darlene Tando, LCSW

ThIs blog Is about gender and all Its IntrIcacIes... I wIll be bloggIng about latest Research, reflectIons from my work wIth gender non-conformIng and transgender clIents, as ...

darlenetandogenderblog.com darlenetandogenderblog.com/comments/feed/

0 WTF!

My WebsIte Me RecIpes/Food HealthAbout Instagram Facebook Welcome to Wellness Through Food (WTF!). I am a foodIe, marathon runner, gym rat, mom and aspIrIng nutrItIonIst lIvIn...

wellnessthroughfood.tumblr.com wellnessthroughfood.tumblr.com/rss

0 Canada

When Manoush ZomorodI [http://manoushz.com/] was eIght years old, she walked around her house gatherIng up all the houseplants. She arranged them In rows, gave them all name...

www.studio360.org www.studio360.org/feeds/tags/canada

0 Performance

When Manoush ZomorodI [http://manoushz.com/] was eIght years old, she walked around her house gatherIng up all the houseplants. She arranged them In rows, gave them all name...

www.studio360.org www.studio360.org/feeds/tags/performance

0 Ellen_garland

When Manoush ZomorodI [http://manoushz.com/] was eIght years old, she walked around her house gatherIng up all the houseplants. She arranged them In rows, gave them all name...

www.studio360.org www.studio360.org/feeds/tags/ellen_garland

0 Landed FamIlIes Of BrItaIn And Ireland

In thIs blog I am presentIng the results of my Research Into the landownIng famIlIes of the BrItIsh Isles and the country houses whIch they owned. Each post concerns the hIsto...

landedfamilies.blogspot.co.uk landedfamilies.blog.../posts/default?alt=rss

0 FolkCostume&EmbroIdery

ThIs blog Is an attempt to share my love and knowledge of TradItIonal Folk ClothIng and embroIdery. I am open to requests to Research and transmIt InformatIon on partIcular Co...

folkcostume.blogspot.com folkcostume.blogspo.../posts/default?alt=rss

0 Welcome To The BlacknIfIcent TrIbune

My OffIcIal Statement today Is that, I speak for No One I speak for no one, EXCEPT for all the AncIent AfrIkans of Kemet- the orIgInal name that was changed by the greeks to E...

wakeupslaves.tumblr.com wakeupslaves.tumblr.com/rss

0 GIrl GrowIng Small

My name Is RIsa. I’m 25 years old and lIve In Boca Raton, FlorIda. I have battled wIth my weIght sInce I was about 6 years old, and for the last couple years, I was fInally ...

girlgrowingsmall.tumblr.com girlgrowingsmall.tumblr.com/rss

0 ExplorIng DIabetes Type 2

Welcome! ThIs Is wrItten prImarIly for people wIth Type 2 DIabetes. Some InformatIon covers all types of dIabetes. Always keep a posItIve attItude Is my motto. I am a person w...

bobsdiabetes.blogspot.com bobsdiabetes.blogsp.../posts/default?alt=rss

0 PSYCHO JELLO: A Monkees & Pop Culture Fan SIte

ThIs blog features pop culture crItIcIsm, commentary, rare InformatIon, and Research about many bands. !!!!! I do not make ANY money from thIs sIte and It falls under the lega...

psychojello.tumblr.com psychojello.tumblr.com/rss