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0 Http://trIplefuck.tumblr.com/

I’m very average. MusIc Is the reason why I’m a happy human. All TIme Low Is my favorIte thIng In the unIverse. Dan and PhIl also have a specIal place In my Heart. I lIke ...

triplefuck.tumblr.com triplefuck.tumblr.com/rss

0 Electra Heart

Name’s Karen, 20 and I lIke MusIc. All TIme Low, and Concerts. Buy me pretty lacey lIngerIe. AnaheIm, CA

wasteddaysxw...ghts.tumblr.com wasteddaysxwastednights.tumblr.com/rss


Hey PumpkIn! My name Is Carou, I’m a young author from Germany, I lIve near Frankfurt but my Heart Is In Amsterdam. I’m shIppIng A LOT of stuff and I’m also obsessed wIt...

wecouldbesea.tumblr.com wecouldbesea.tumblr.com/rss

0 November Blue

I’m MIkayla. I love good MusIc and goIng to Concerts. I play tuba and lIve In Tennessee. Free spIrIted & open mInded. Flower chIld at Heart. xoxo

and-flowers-...airr.tumblr.com and-flowers-in-your-hairr.tumblr.com/rss

0 The GIrl Of SImple Pleasures

Muser from the end of the world, chIle. I love MusIc wIth all my Heart and my soul and I wIll always need Concerts to lIve, they’re my Heartbeats.

catabsolution.tumblr.com catabsolution.tumblr.com/rss

0 Happy Candy

I’m an artIst. ThIs Is a stream of my InspIratIon. I post thIngs that make me happy and InspIre me. Most Images are not mIne, but some are. :) VIsItors WanderIng Souls ♥ A...

tanya-dawn.tumblr.com tanya-dawn.tumblr.com/rss

-1 LuvnhIm's Journals On Buzznet

I was born and raIsed In Nebraska, so Nebraska wIll always be home to me. DurIng my grad school years I lIved In MIchIgan and IndIana and now I'm lIvIng In IllInoIs (not too t...

luvnhim.buzznet.com luvnhim.buzznet.com/user/journal/rss/