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rss feeds for historical archaeology

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19 Society For Historical Archaeology

Archaeology of the Modern World

www.sha.org sha.org/feed/

13 Archaeology – Steven Till

Author of medieval Historical fiction and fantasy

steventill.com steventill.com/category/archaeology/feed/

4 History, Archaeology And Anthropology

Historical facts and findings, articles, books; all things ancient and old

newsfix.niceboard.com newsfix.niceboard.com/feed/?f=31

3 Comments For Society For Historical Archaeology

Archaeology of the Modern World

www.sha.org sha.org/comments/feed/

2 Memory, Meaning & Faith

Memory, Meaning & Faith is a blog covering Christian history—including Adventist studies, the church and society, Historical theology, biblical backgrounds, history of inter...

www.memorymeaningfaith.org www.memorymeaningfaith.org/blog/rss.xml

2 Memory, Meaning & Faith

Memory, Meaning & Faith is a blog covering Christian history—including Adventist studies, the church and society, Historical theology, biblical backgrounds, history of inter...

www.memorymeaningfaith.org www.memorymeaningfaith.org/blog/index.rdf

1 Flinders Archaeology Blog

Indigenous, maritime and Historical Archaeology and cultural heritage management

flindersarchaeology.com flindersarchaeology.com/feed/

1 History, Archaeology And Anthropology

Historical facts and findings, articles, books; all things ancient and old

www.newsfixboard.com www.newsfixboard.com/feed/?f=31

1 History, Archaeology And Anthropology

Historical facts and findings, articles, books; all things ancient and old

www.newsfixboard.com newsfixboard.com/feed/?f=31

1 Comments For Flinders Archaeology Blog

Indigenous, maritime and Historical Archaeology and cultural heritage management

flindersarchaeology.com flindersarchaeology.com/comments/feed/

0 The Heritage Trust

All over the world, every day, heritage sites, artefacts, skills and traditions are being damaged or lost through war, neglect, development, vandalism, theft or natural disast...

www.theherit...t.wordpress.com theheritagetrust.wordpress.com/feed/

0 Ohio Archaeology Blog

Current archaeological activities, updates and discussion from the staff of the Ohio Historical Society. Your comments are welcome!

ohio-archaeology.blogspot.com ohio-archaeology.bl.../posts/default?alt=rss


Le blog scientifique du Centre français des études éthiopiennes (Addis-Abeba) / The scientific blog of the French Centre for Ethiopian Studies (Addis Ababa)

cfee.hypotheses.org cfee.hypotheses.org...ology-in-ethiopia/feed

0 Memorabilia Antonina

This is my blog for posting material of academic interest (to me). Expect to see stuff about Greek and Roman history, Archaeology, Classical literature, the Ancient Near East,...

tonykeen.blogspot.com tonykeen.blogspot.c.../posts/default?alt=rss

0 Comments For The Heritage Trust

All over the world, every day, heritage sites, artefacts, skills and traditions are being damaged or lost through war, neglect, development, vandalism, theft or natural disast...

www.theherit...t.wordpress.com theheritagetrust.wordpress.com/comments/feed/

0 The Practical Gemologist

Website: Thepracticalgemologist.comI am an independent appraiser gemstones and fine jewelry with many years of experience in retail, wholesale, manufacturing, design, and auct...

thepractical...gist.tumblr.com thepracticalgemologist.tumblr.com/rss

0 336BC

Welcome to my History blog! I usually post on a different Historical theme each week. Some of my favorites: -Ancient / Classical History & Archaeology -Art History -Urban & Ar...

336bc.tumblr.com 336bc.tumblr.com/rss

0 Archaeologist|for|hire

Annelise is an archaeologist who lives in Los Angeles with a variety of small furry animals. She received her BA in Classical Civilizations and Archaeology from Loyola Marymou...

archaeologis...hire.tumblr.com archaeologistforhire.tumblr.com/rss

0 Comments For The Heritage Trust

All over the world, every day, heritage sites, artefacts, skills and traditions are being damaged or lost through war, neglect, development, vandalism, theft or natural disast...

www.theherit...t.wordpress.com theheritagetrust.wordpress.com/comments/feed/

0 Praeteritum Imperfectum

My name is Alice, I’m 18 years old and I’ve been in love with history and art ever since my parents accompanied me around numerous national trust properties when I was 3. ...

past-imperfect.tumblr.com past-imperfect.tumblr.com/rss