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5 Shauny.me

Hi, I’m Shaun Robinson, a web Developer in Ipswich, UK. Here I post interesting and useful things I find on the internet, with the occasional photo or post about Real Life�...

blog.shauny.me blog.shauny.me/rss

5 Oleg Andreev

Software designer with focus on user experience and security. You may start with my selection of articles on Bitcoin. Переводы некоторых статей на р�...

blog.oleganza.com blog.oleganza.com/rss

4 Eightface » Google

A Blog with varied interests, including: design, computer science, history, typography, books and ephemera. By Dave Kellam, a Developer and designer living in Montreal, Canada...

eightface.com eightface.com/tag/google/feed/


My name is Winston Hearn, and I am interested in all aspects of life. I read a lot of essays and articles and this Blog is where I post links I want to reference later and tho...

wnstn.com wnstn.com/rss

0 Google Ads Developer Blog

The official Blog for information about the AdWords, AdSense, DoubleClick and AdMob APIs and SDKs.

googleadsdev...er.blogspot.com googleadsdeveloper..../posts/default?alt=rss

0 The Gist Is A Blog

I’m a freelance writer, designer, and game Developer. My name is Will Hindmarch, and this is a notebook I keep on the web. My website is wordstudio.net. Here are my Haiku Ye...

wordstudio.tumblr.com wordstudio.tumblr.com/rss

0 Objective Sea

A technical Blog written by Cory, an indie app Developer. I’m @corydmc on twitter, or email me objectivesea@davander.com. var _gaq = _gaq || []; _gaq.push(['_setAccount', 'U...

objectivesea.tumblr.com objectivesea.tumblr.com/rss