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0 Rebekah's Sewing Diary

A diary kept by an average seamstress who takes quite an interest to vintage clothing and fashion designing, and enjoys remaking "old-Fashioned" clothing and sewing "modern" o...

r-sewing.blogspot.com r-sewing.blogspot.c.../posts/default?alt=rss

0 Old Fashioned Gal

I like old movies, screwball comedies, vintage Clothes, and basically I’m an old-Fashioned gal.

ancient-skies.tumblr.com ancient-skies.tumblr.com/rss

0 Give Me Zooey

“I love old music, old movies, screwball comedies, vintage Clothes and basically I`m an old-Fashioned gal.” Hi, I’m Jasmine. I run this Zooey Deschanel fansite. As you c...

givemezooey.tumblr.com givemezooey.tumblr.com/rss