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0 Come What May

But only if I can get the physical book; otherwise, I have absolutely no problem in reading on an Electronic Device. My name’s Riku. I’m a wannabe writer of sorts. Kurt an...

animeangelriku.tumblr.com animeangelriku.tumblr.com/rss

0 Just Another Bleeding Heart

Electronic Music. Lingerie. Lifting Weights. Makeup. Food. Fitness. Sex. Social Justice. Long Hair. music junkie - university student - sarcastic ass . .ig-b- { display: inlin...

lift-thatshitup.tumblr.com lift-thatshitup.tumblr.com/rss

0 Yo.

This would be Melissa. I’m 24 years old. Currently wandering through life wondering what the hell I’m going to do. Be prepared: I reblog a crap ton of recipes, so hopefull...

sprinklejoy.tumblr.com sprinklejoy.tumblr.com/rss

0 Home

The Zhenan Bao Research Group at Stanford University, Dept. of Chemical Engineering, focuses on the synthesis of functional organic and polymer materials, organic Electronic d...

baogroup.stanford.edu baogroup.stanford.e...rmat=feed&type=rss