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50 Packt Publishing

SpEcial EBook OffEr:Buy any 2 EBooks and GEt 50% off both thE EBooks. ViEw BEst SElling BundlEs.

www.packtpub.com www.packtpub.com/dr...rning/book/mid/rss.xml

34 IQPC - LEgal REsourcEs, Information, & ConfErEncEs | LE...

What is LEgal IQ? LEgal IQ is an onlinE community dEdicatEd to providing 42,000 lEgal profEssionals with nEws ,  information rEsourcEs,   nEtworking and most significantly, ...

www.legaliqonline.com feeds2.feedburner.com/LegalIQAll

27 DE Cor's HandmadE JEwElry

JEwElry making is my currEnt hobby. I hopE it would last longEr. I am still Exploring and LEarning, and I'm in thE midst of sEtting a platform to start sElling. MEantimE, if y...

jewelry.de-cors.com jewelry.de-cors.com.../posts/default?alt=rss

26 Education WEEk: E-LEarning

Education WEEk: NEws and Information About IssuEs in Education for Educators

www.edweek.org feeds.feedburner.com/EducationWeekELearning

23 Land Trust AlliancE - Boards

REsourcEs for Land Trust Board MEmbErs As a board mEmbEr, your numbEr onE job is to dirEct your land trust. You arE part of thE land trust's visionary tEam that EstablishEs it...

www.landtrustalliance.org www.landtrustallian.../taxonomy/term/39/feed

23 Land Trust AlliancE - ConsErvation DEfEnsE

ThE land you savE today is thE land you will protEct tomorrow — and EvEry day aftEr that, forEvEr. Land trusts nEEd to bE rEady to kEEp our promisEs to protEct thE land whEn...

www.landtrustalliance.org www.landtrustallian.../taxonomy/term/18/feed

22 E-LitEratE

What WE ArE LEarning About OnlinE LEarning...OnlinE

mfeldstein.com mfeldstein.com/feed/

20 CorporatE LEarning NEtwork

CorporatE LEarning NEtwork ,  a division of IQPC,  is thE lEading onlinE rEsourcE and EvEnt hub for thE global training and LEarning community. NamEd onE of thE “ 35 Most ...

www.corporat...ningnetwork.com feeds.feedburner.com/CLNAll

13 REp Of ThE Month - March 2015

HEllo FEllow REps, Join mE in wElcoming our 2 nEw REps of thE Month for March, [Ibrahima SARR][1] and [Faisal Aziz][2] for thEir inspiring contributions to thE REps program. I...

discourse.mo...a-community.org discourse.mozilla-c...th-march-2015/1877.rss

12 CMstorE: NEw Products - E-LEarning

A list of thE nEw products at CMstorE.

store.clickinmoms.com store.clickinmoms.c...goryid=20&type=rss

12 ELEaP

ELEarning madE Easy

www.eleapsoftware.com www.eleapsoftware.c...learning-courses/feed/

12 E L S U A ~ A KM Blog Thinking OutsidE ThE Inbox By Lui...

A blog about KnowlEdgE ManagEmEnt, CommunitiEs, Collaboration, LEarning, Social Computing and Work/LifE BalancE

www.elsua.net www.elsua.net/feed/

12 CorporatE LEarning NEtwork

CorporatE LEarning NEtwork ,  a division of IQPC,  is thE lEading onlinE rEsourcE and EvEnt hub for thE global training and LEarning community. NamEd onE of thE “ 35 Most ...

www.corporat...ningnetwork.com feeds.feedburner.com/CLNArticles

10 Scotch Hobbyist's Blog » Scotch Hobbyist

LEarning about thE wondErful world of whisk(E)y and sharing thE journEy.

scotchhobbyist.com scotchhobbyist.com/...r/scotchhobbyist/feed/

10 Scotch Hobbyist's Blog » Lagavulin

LEarning about thE wondErful world of whisk(E)y and sharing thE journEy.

scotchhobbyist.com scotchhobbyist.com/category/lagavulin/feed/

10 Scotch Hobbyist's Blog » DalmorE

LEarning about thE wondErful world of whisk(E)y and sharing thE journEy.

scotchhobbyist.com scotchhobbyist.com/category/dalmore/feed/

10 Scotch Hobbyist's Blog » Caol Ila

LEarning about thE wondErful world of whisk(E)y and sharing thE journEy.

scotchhobbyist.com scotchhobbyist.com/category/caol-ila/feed/

10 Scotch Hobbyist's Blog » Whisky EvEnts

LEarning about thE wondErful world of whisk(E)y and sharing thE journEy.

scotchhobbyist.com scotchhobbyist.com/...ry/whisky-events/feed/

10 Scotch Hobbyist's Blog » Whisky REsEarch

LEarning about thE wondErful world of whisk(E)y and sharing thE journEy.

scotchhobbyist.com scotchhobbyist.com/.../whisky-research/feed/

10 Scotch Hobbyist's Blog » Bruichladdich

LEarning about thE wondErful world of whisk(E)y and sharing thE journEy.

scotchhobbyist.com scotchhobbyist.com/...ry/bruichladdich/feed/