Every year, almost one million children die of pneumonia. There’s a vaccine, but it is too expensive for many developing countries. After years of fruitless negotiations wit...
afairshot.org afairshot.org/rss
Turning the World Downside Up
www.ipsnews.net www.ipsnews.net/201...-without-borders/feed/
Doctors Without Borders/ Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) is an international medical humanitarian organization working in more than 60 countries to assist people whose surviv...
doctorswitho...ders.tumblr.com doctorswithoutborders.tumblr.com/rss
This Charity Project will be the largest one ever done in the modeling/gaming community. Four 3000 pt Armies will be built and given away and all the money will be given to Do...
heroesofarma...on.blogspot.com heroesofarmageddon..../posts/default?alt=rss
This is an outreach project by the Klaroline Fandom in order to use our creativity, quantity, and resources in order to make the world a better place. Our Current Project - Do...
klarolinegivesback.tumblr.com klarolinegivesback.tumblr.com/rss