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22 American Journalism Review » Data Journalism

American Journalism Review covers the news media, with a focus on innovation, entrepreneurship and digital Storytelling.

www.ajr.org ajr.org/news/data-journalism/feed/

7 Storytelling With Data

Storytelling with Data is a blog written by Cole Nussbaumer Knaflic. The goal is to provide practical tips to help bring Data to life and use it to communicate a story to an...

www.storytellingwithdata.com www.storytellingwithdata.com/blog?format=RSS

7 Urban Matter Inc

Urban Matter Inc creates experiences using Storytelling, Data visualization and participation.

urbanmatterinc.com urbanmatterinc.com/feed/

7 Urban Matter Inc » Work

Urban Matter Inc creates experiences using Storytelling, Data visualization and participation.

urbanmatterinc.com urbanmatterinc.com/category/work/feed/

1 Comments On: This Simple Piece Of Visualisation Will Ha...

Comment, analysis and links covering online journalism and online news, citizen journalism, blogging, vlogging, photoblogging, podcasts, vodcasts, interactive Storytelling, pu...

www.onlinejournalismblog.com onlinejournalismblo...al-impact-ampp3d/feed/

1 Inspiring Data Infographics & Visual Storytelling

Infographics and Visual Storytelling

inspiring-data.com www.inspiring-data.com/feed/

0 Сторителлинг. Создай свою ист�...

Сторителлинг. Создай свою историю - LiveJournal.com

storytelling...livejournal.com storytelling-ru.livejournal.com/data/rss

0 Piton Data Lab

The Piton Foundation’s Data Initiative collects examples and tools of Data visualization and digital Storytelling that inspire us … with some of our own work sprinkled in ...

datalab.tumblr.com datalab.tumblr.com/rss

0 Visualized

exploring the evolution of cummunication at the intersection of Data, Storytelling and design

visualized.com visualized.com/2014/feed/

-1 Events - Hack Oregon: Storytelling With Data

Events - Hack Oregon: Storytelling with Data

www.meetup.com www.meetup.com/datastorytelling/events/rss/

-1 Comments On: Interactive Agency Focuses On Visuals, Dat...

American Journalism Review covers the news media, with a focus on innovation, entrepreneurship and digital Storytelling.

www.ajr.org ajr.org/2015/06/14/...-on-visuals-data/feed/

-1 Comments For Visualized

exploring the evolution of cummunication at the intersection of Data, Storytelling and design

visualized.com visualized.com/2014/comments/feed/