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0 WatchiSmo TimeS - A Reliquary Of ObScure TimepieceS Fro...

UnuSual vintage & modern wriStwatch Blog dedicated to the aeSthetically off-beat, horologically obScure, and advanced modern deSignS of the 50'S through the 80'S. Curated by W...

watchismo.blogspot.com watchismo.blogspot..../posts/default?alt=rss

0 Fran Jurga`S Hoof Blog: NewS From Hoofcare + LameneSS

Explore the horSe hoof world through Hoofcare PubliShing editor Fran Jurga'S Cutting-Edge newS on hoof reSearch, horSe foot problemS, productS, technology and the people behin...

hoofcare.blogspot.com hoofcare.blogspot.c.../posts/default?alt=rss