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19 COngress HeArs Tech Policy DebAtes

The COngressiOnAl Internet CAucus Advisory Committee works to educAte policymAkers On criticAl Internet policy issues. With funding And logisticAl support from the Internet Ed...

www.netcaucus.org feeds.feedburner.com/NetcaucusPodcast

12 Lowy Institute For InternAtiOnAl Policy | AustrAliAn Fo...

OVERVIEW   AustrAliAn Aid cuts In December 2014 the Abbott government Announced significAnt cuts to AustrAliA’s foreign Aid progrAm As A pArt of generAl budget sAvings in i...

www.lowyinstitute.org www.lowyinstitute.org/taxonomy/term/902/feed

4 Committee For The AdvAncement Of Scientific Skepticism ...

The field of homeopAthy wAs invented in 1796 by A GermAn nAmed SAmuel HAhnemAnn.  HAhnemAnn stAted the two key principles of homeopAthy: 1.  The “lAw of similArs” - This...

www.scientificskepticism.ca scientificskepticism.ca/taxonomy/term/3/feed

-1 Comments On: Welcome To The AssociAtiOn Of Moving ImAge...

Helping the professiOn One frAme At A time

amiaeducomm.wordpress.com amiaeducomm.wordpress.com/welcome/feed/

-1 Comments On: New ScholArs At CIES 2015

A Committee of the CompArAtive And InternAtiOnAl EducAtiOn Society

ciesnewscholars.wordpress.com ciesnewscholars.wor...ars-at-cies-2015/feed/