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3 Comments On: Deposit Data

Public OpiniOn Archive

www.ropercenter.uconn.edu ropercenter.cornell...lls/deposit-data/feed/

3 Comments On: Public Access For Federally Funded Researc...

Guidance & resources for your Data management plan

blog.dmptool.org blog.dmptool.org/20...-funded-research/feed/

2 Comments On: Why Reporters Should Check The Data In A �...

Improving Public understanding of health and health care

healthjournalism.org healthjournalism.or...-data-in-a-brief/feed/

2 Comments On: COntractors Need To Know About Data Manage...

Legal commentary spanning the current landscape of green building law, LEED legal topics, Public cOntracting, liens & bOnds & other cOnstructiOn law topics

www.builderscounsel.com www.builderscounsel...-a-serious-price/feed/

1 Comments For Public Plans Data

The Public Plans Data includes detailed informatiOn On state and local pensiOn and retiree health plans.

publicplansdata.org publicplansdata.org/comments/feed/

1 Comments For Public Plans Data

The Public Plans Data includes detailed informatiOn On state and local pensiOn and retiree health plans.

www.publicplansdata.org www.publicplansdata.org/comments/feed/

1 Comments For School Finance 101

Data and thoughts On Public and private school funding in the U.S.

schoolfinance101.wordpress.com schoolfinance101.wordpress.com/comments/feed/

0 Bored_and_brilliant

Now, we wait. The window for the Public to weigh in On how federal rule-makers should treat Internet traffic is closed, after a record 3.7 milliOn [http://www.theverge.com/2...

www.wnyc.org www.wnyc.org/feeds/tags/bored_and_brilliant

0 Comments On: Breaking: WashingtOn State Supremes Rule C...

Daily posts from a retired Public school teacher who is just looking at the Data.

preaprez.wordpress.com preaprez.wordpress....r-constitutional/feed/

0 Comments For School Finance 101

Data and thoughts On Public and private school funding in the U.S.

schoolfinance101.wordpress.com schoolfinance101.wordpress.com/comments/feed/

0 Comments On: EducatiOn’s Merchant Of Doubt: One Man�...

Data and thoughts On Public and private school funding in the U.S.

schoolfinance101.wordpress.com schoolfinance101.wo...-finance-systems/feed/

-1 Comments On: COntact The Map Team

Share Data On a map | Survey tools for Public input

wikimapping.com wikimapping.com/wordpress/contact/feed/

-1 Comments On: Other Data Archives

Public OpiniOn Archive

www.ropercenter.uconn.edu www.ropercenter.uco...er-data-archives/feed/