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0 Without Gods

Hi, this is A plAce where I post pics And InformAtiOn thAt I enjoy And thAt mAkes me thInk or lAugh. I Am not sellIng AnythIng or tryIng to stArt debAtes About the topics post...

withoutgods.tumblr.com withoutgods.tumblr.com/rss

0 Fuck YeAh Kirk/Spock

If you hAven’t heArd, Fuck YeAh Kirk/Spock is under new mAnAgement (AgAIn)! In no pArticulAr order, Mod 1, Mod 2, Mod 3, And Mod 4. Feel free to cOntAct Any 4 of us if you h...

fykirkspock.tumblr.com fykirkspock.tumblr.com/rss

0 MAster PAris

PLEASE TAKE THE TIME OnCETO READ THE ENTIRE PAGEher PAris Lover ©TALK TO ME - WRITE ME(The ASK Box) (After clickIng - Once the pAge reloAds -PleAse scroll to - The Bottom of ...

masterparis.tumblr.com masterparis.tumblr.com/rss