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35 BluePRint - NYC Department Of City Planning

City Planning business process reform to streamline the agency's review of land use applications

www.nyc.gov www.nyc.gov/html/dcp/rss/blueprint.xml

35 Zoning Information - NYC Department Of City Planning

The Department of City Planning is responsible for the City's physical and socioeconomic Planning, including land use and environmental review; preparation of plans and polici...

www.nyc.gov www.nyc.gov/html/dcp/rss/zoning_rss.xml

35 BYTES Of The BIG APPLE™ & Publications- NYC Departmen...

BYTES of the BIG APPLE is a family of software, data and geographic base map files for the City of New York. The Department of City Planning offers these products for free dow...

www.nyc.gov www.nyc.gov/html/dcp/rss/products_rss.xml

22 Green Building Elements

From brick and mortar shops to City Planning, we cover sustainable trends in construction, renovation, and more.

greenbuildingelements.com greenbuildingelements.com/feed/

22 Green Building Elements » Design

From brick and mortar shops to City Planning, we cover sustainable trends in construction, renovation, and more.

greenbuildingelements.com greenbuildingelemen...y/green-design-2/feed/

21 Green Building Elements » Energy

From brick and mortar shops to City Planning, we cover sustainable trends in construction, renovation, and more.

greenbuildingelements.com greenbuildingelemen...green-structures/feed/

19 Green Building Elements » Solar

From brick and mortar shops to City Planning, we cover sustainable trends in construction, renovation, and more.

greenbuildingelements.com greenbuildingelemen...structures/solar/feed/

18 Cllr Fraser Macpherson - LibDem Councillor For Dundee's...

Fraser has been LibDem Councillor for the West End on Dundee City Council since 2001 and has topped the poll in all of the 4 council elections he has contested. Fraser has ser...

www.dundeewestend.com www.dundeewestend.c.../posts/default?alt=rss

17 This Big City » Urban Scale

Ideas for sustainable cities

thisbigcity.net thisbigcity.net/cat...ning/urban-scale/feed/

17 This Big City » Buildings

Ideas for sustainable cities

thisbigcity.net thisbigcity.net/cat...anning/buildings/feed/

17 This Big City » Planning

Ideas for sustainable cities

thisbigcity.net thisbigcity.net/category/planning/feed/

17 This Big City » Placemaking

Ideas for sustainable cities

thisbigcity.net thisbigcity.net/cat...ning/placemaking/feed/

16 Articles & Education | Money Matters With Ken Moraif

Ken Moraif is a financial advisor with offices in Dallas, Fort Worth, Houston, Oklahoma City, Phoenix, and California.

moneymatters.net moneymatters.net/ne...planning.feed?type=rss

15 Transforming Edmonton » Neighbourhood Renewal

Stories about bringing our City vision to life.

www.transformingedmonton.ca transformingedmonto...bourhood-renewal/feed/

15 Transforming Edmonton » Revitalization

Stories about bringing our City vision to life.

www.transformingedmonton.ca transformingedmonto...g/revitalization/feed/