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3 We Stand With Shaker

Shaker Aamer is free! At lunchtime on 30 October 2015, Shaker Aamer arrived back in the UK from Guantánamo, where he had been held for just over 5000 days, despite being firs...

www.westandwithshaker.org westandwithshaker.org/rss

0 The Chair Speaks

Spanning 4 generations from the lady who introduced me to her household and placed in the High traffic most-loved area in the dining hall, I have heard conversations, differen...

thechairspeaks.blogspot.com thechairspeaks.blog.../posts/default?alt=rss


WELCOME TO YOUR GOE ENERGY CONFERENCE 2016! NOVEMBER 12-13 2016 @ THE VIEW HOTEL, EASTBOURNE, UK Conference Home & News | Schedule [http://theamt.com/conference/schedul...

theamt.com theamt.com/conference/?output=RSS