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CARE: National Commission on Asian American & Pacific Islander Research in Education

www.nyu.edu care.gseis.ucla.edu/feed/

15 The International Examiner

Seattle's Asian Pacific Islander community nonprofit newspaper for over 40 years.

iexaminer.org www.iexaminer.org/feed/

14 Asian Pacific Environmental Network

APEN empowers low-income Asian Pacific Islander (API) communities to achieve environmental and social justice.

www.apen4ej.org apen4ej.org/feed/

12 Lowy Institute For International Policy | South China S...

Overview The South China Sea is a critical commercial gateway for a significant portion of the world’s merchant shipping, and hence is an important economic and strategic su...

www.lowyinstitute.org www.lowyinstitute.org/taxonomy/term/1109/feed

12 Lowy Institute For International Policy | Australian Fo...

OVERVIEW   Australian aid cuts In December 2014 the Abbott government announced significant cuts to Australia’s foreign aid program as a part of general budget savings in i...

www.lowyinstitute.org www.lowyinstitute.org/taxonomy/term/902/feed

12 Lowy Institute For International Policy | The Michael A...

The Michael and Deborah Thawley Scholarship in International Security at the Lowy Institute, Sydney, and the Center for Strategic and International Studies, Washington DC, pro...

www.lowyinstitute.org www.lowyinstitute.org/taxonomy/term/1186/feed

12 Lowy Institute For International Policy | Chinese Forei...

Overview Chinese foreign aid sparks much debate. Critics argue it undermines good governance and other development objectives. Some Western governments fear China is challengi...

www.lowyinstitute.org www.lowyinstitute.org/taxonomy/term/1105/feed

12 Lowy Institute For International Policy | Distinguished...

In 2013 the Lowy Institute established its Distinguished International Fellowship to bring an internationally recognised intellectual and policy leader to Australia to help de...

www.lowyinstitute.org www.lowyinstitute.org/taxonomy/term/1122/feed

9 CAPA » News

Council of Asian Pacific Americans

capa-mi.org capa-mi.org/category/news/feed/


Asian Pacific American pop culture. Combining the sites formerly known as AsianAmericanFilm.com and AsianAmericanComics.com.

www.asianamericanfilm.com www.apapop.com/rss.xml

7 Comments For CARE

CARE: National Commission on Asian American & Pacific Islander Research in Education

www.nyu.edu care.gseis.ucla.edu/comments/feed/

7 NOW » Beyond Bollywood

Live from the Smithsonian Asian Pacific American Center

www.smithsonianapa.org smithsonianapa.org/now/beyond-bollywood/feed/

6 Asian Pacific American Coalition Of Connecticut

Asian Pacific American Coalition of Connecticut

www.ctapac.org www.ctapac.org/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss

6 AAPI Voices » “One, Two, Or Many”

Amplifying the voices of Asian Pacific America.

aapivoices.com aapivoices.com/category/one-or-many/feed/

6 AAPI Voices » Guest Columnist

Amplifying the voices of Asian Pacific America.

aapivoices.com aapivoices.com/author/guest_columnist/feed/

6 AAPI Voices » Karthick Ramakrishnan

Amplifying the voices of Asian Pacific America.

aapivoices.com aapivoices.com/author/karthick/feed/

5 The Visibility Project » The Visibility Project | The ...

A national portrait and oral story collection of Queer Asian American & Pacific Islander Women and Trans* community.

visibilityproject.org www.visibilityproject.org/feed/

5 Asian Teen Idols » Pacific Islander

Asian lolitas, Asian lolita, Asian idols doing hot, hot things.

www.asianteenidols.com www.asianteenidols....pacific-islander/feed/