Washington Apple Pi: a Macintosh computer user group with an international presence and a history spanning more than three decades, back to the dawn of personal computing. The...
www.wap.org www.wap.org/pi.xml
An Apple Newton is a personal digital assistant (PDA) first introduced in 1993. Eight different models were produced before it was discontinued in 1998. It was so advanced for...
myapplenewton.blogspot.com myapplenewton.blogs.../posts/default?alt=rss
Millions saw the Apple fall But Newton asked Why
fuckyeahphysica.tumblr.com fuckyeahphysica.tumblr.com/rss
Millions saw the Apple fall, But Newton asked why
whatdidulearntoday.tumblr.com whatdidulearntoday.tumblr.com/rss