Every Monday The Library of America features a new Story of the Week. It could be anything: a Short work of Fiction, a character sketch, an essay, a journalist’s dispatch, a...
storyoftheweek.loa.org storyoftheweek.loa..../posts/default?alt=rss
The latest news from Chicago Public Radio's "This American Life." Hosted by Ira Glass, "TAL" is an award-winning radio program and was also an Emmy-winning series on the Showt...
thisamericanlife.org feeds.thisamericanlife.org/talupdates
* All paying submitters will receive a free digital issue of CCR. WE ARE OFFERING A $1000 AWARD FOR CCR'S FIRST POETRY FILM PRIZE IN 2015--WITH NO ENTRY FEE! [http://carbonc...
carboncultur...submittable.com carbonculturereview.submittable.com/rss
Publishing exquisite Fiction since 1991.
www.americanshortfiction.org www.americanshortfiction.org/feed/
Publishing exquisite Fiction since 1991.
americanshortfiction.org americanshortfictio...y/web-exclusives/feed/
Publishing exquisite Fiction since 1991.
americanshortfiction.org americanshortfiction.org/category/news/feed/
Publishing exquisite Fiction since 1991.
americanshortfiction.org americanshortfictio...ategory/notebook/feed/
Publishing exquisite Fiction since 1991.
americanshortfiction.org americanshortfiction.org/feed/
CURRENT CALLS: Thank you for your interest in publishing with Hawaiʻi Review! We are currently only OPEN FOR SUBMISSIONS for the following calls: THE IAN MACMILLAN WRITIN...
hawaiireview...submittable.com hawaiireviewsubmissions.submittable.com/rss
The North American Review is the oldest literary magazine in America (founded in 1815) and one of the most respected. We are interested in high-quality poetry, Fiction, and n...
northamerica...submishmash.com northamericanreview.submittable.com/rss
A blog by Mark Athitakis on (mostly) U.S. novelists and Short-story writers.
americanfiction.wordpress.com americanfiction.wordpress.com/comments/feed/
A blog by Mark Athitakis on (mostly) U.S. novelists and Short-story writers.
americanfiction.wordpress.com americanfiction.wordpress.com/feed/
A blog by Mark Athitakis on (mostly) U.S. novelists and Short-story writers.
americanfiction.wordpress.com americanfiction.wordpress.com/comments/feed/
[Okay, I’ve become quite disillusioned with Tumblr as a platform and am therefore going to take another break for a while so my brain can recover. I will still check and rea...
vladdraculea.tumblr.com vladdraculea.tumblr.com/rss
I’m Katie. I fangirl over television, American history, young adult Fiction, most other books, women’s rights, and oxford commas. I like writing and cooking. I find small ...
katiedoyle.tumblr.com katiedoyle.tumblr.com/rss
Politically charged angry American stuff! Just kidding. But I dabble. Go to letrascaseras.tumblr.com for Poetry, Fiction, Art, Photography, Short Films and Reblogs. My poems a...
themoodofthepeople.tumblr.com themoodofthepeople.tumblr.com/rss
Think of this as a phantom limb of American Short Fiction’s website: www.AmericanShortFiction.org
americanshor...tion.tumblr.com americanshortfiction.tumblr.com/rss
Spark: How Creativity Works [http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0061732311/studi360-20] doesn't hit bookshelves until February 15. But to get you in the mood, we've got ...
www.studio360.org www.studio360.org/feeds/tags/richard_serra
Publishing exquisite Fiction since 1991.
americanshortfiction.org americanshortfiction.org/comments/feed/
James Greer is the author of the novels Artificial Light (LHotB/Akashic 2006) and The Failure (Akashic 2010). He’s written or co-written movies for Lindsay Lohan, Jackie Cha...
www.jamesgreer.net www.jamesgreer.net/feed/