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0 Welcome To The Blacknificent Tribune

My Official Statement today is that, I speak for No One I speak for no one, EXCEPT for all the Ancient Afrikans of Kemet- the original name that was changed by the greeks to E...

wakeupslaves.tumblr.com wakeupslaves.tumblr.com/rss

0 Air Force Bad Ass

Eric | ESFJ | Sanguine | Amity | 28 Nine out of ten Times, I’m rping as a part of the Glee fandom (almost always Noah Puckerman but I do tend to play others from time to tim...

puckroleplays.tumblr.com puckroleplays.tumblr.com/rss

0 TheWorldAirForce

Welcome, my name is Ash, I am a PPL holder (currently doing my commercial pilots license training) who is looking to join the Air Force. I live in Melbourne, Australia. This b...

theworldairforce.tumblr.com theworldairforce.tumblr.com/rss

0 HouseWifeMama

I am a Hawai'i girl. 31 year old housewife, stay at home mom, college graduate, and Red Cross volunteer. Hubster’s in the Air Force. My life is hectic, stressful, and yet so...

housewifemama.tumblr.com housewifemama.tumblr.com/rss