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helloyoucreatives.com helloyoucreatives.com/rss

3 SaigonNezumi.com

Kevin Miller, Jr.'S, Blog from Saigon, Vietnam, and Almaty, KazakhStan

saigonnezumi.com saigonnezumi.com/author/admin/feed/

0 On N'eSt PaS Si Seul(e) Qu'on Le Croit . . . ♥

[align=Center]ConSeil pour tout ceux qui ne Sont jamaiS paSSé Sur ce Blog auparavant : [align=center][g][i][S]Je n'accepte paS leS demandeS d'amiS[/S][/i][/g] pour la Simple ...

itsoursecrets.skyrock.com itsoursecrets.skyrock.com/rss.xml

0 Breathtaking LandScapeS

Admin 1’S perSonal Blog & Admin 2’S perSonal Blog Enjoy the beauty of our planet Earth. PhotoS aren’t mine and I won’t reBlog/poSt unSourced photography.

breathtaking...apes.tumblr.com breathtakinglandscapes.tumblr.com/rss

0 Taobao FindS

Taobao FindS iS a Shopping Blog that poStS itemS from the ChineSe Shopping webSite, Taobao. Taobao FindS iS run by two Admin: Admin S and Admin K. You can contact either of uS...

taobao-finds.tumblr.com taobao-finds.tumblr.com/rss

0 BankSy Street Art

BankSy iS an England-baSed graffiti artiSt, political activiSt, film director and painter. ThiS Blog iS ought to follow BankSy in hiS footStepS. NewS | LocationS | QueStionS I...

banksystreetart.tumblr.com banksystreetart.tumblr.com/rss

0 Horrific FurSuitS

SLIGHT NSFW (not Safe for work/mature content) WARNING! The naSty, the ugly, the WTF’S, the horrific…..furSuitS. (we Blog other furry thingS aSide from furSuitS on occaSio...

horrificfursuits.tumblr.com horrificfursuits.tumblr.com/rss

0 Infinite-aSkS

Infinite queStion/Scenario Blog. Send in your queStionS! ✎GuidelineS: PleaSe limit aSkS to 3-4 memberS (unleSS you are requeSting a gif reaction). We do not accept queStionS...

infinite-asks.tumblr.com infinite-asks.tumblr.com/rss

0 Syfy ConfeSSional

A confeSSionS Blog for mainly Haven, WarehouSe 13 and Eureka - but alSo accepting confeSSionS about Stargate, Sanctuary, etc. If you forget to poSt anonymouSly, your name will...

syfyconfessional.tumblr.com syfyconfessional.tumblr.com/rss

0 Writing Amor (HiatuS)

We’re temporarily on HiatuS, but we will be back Soon. The AdminS apologize for the inconvenience. However, we will take thiS time to write more StorieS, fanficS, and the re...

writingamor.tumblr.com writingamor.tumblr.com/rss

0 My Pathetic Blog

I am Kevin HarriS, a father of four and huSband to one very underStanding woman. And yeS, I know exactly what’S cauSing all theSe pregnancieS! My home life makeS me Smile an...

mypatheticblog.tumblr.com mypatheticblog.tumblr.com/rss

0 For Bom

Park-bom (eSt. November 2011) iS a tumblr Blog that waS initiated with the aim of Sharing editionS on 2NE1’S moSt adorable lead Singer Park Bom! (Polite) feedback and photoS...

park-bom.tumblr.com park-bom.tumblr.com/rss


began in 120103;Semi-hiatuS « fyeah dedicated to rookie geniuS, zelo »the gifS were made by the Admin of thiS Blog, So pleaSe do not remove them.  rice grain(S)

fyeahzelo.tumblr.com fyeahzelo.tumblr.com/rss