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6 LD's Guide To JApAn

My nAme is LAwrence Denes. After spending 5 yeArs studying JApAnese lAnguAge, Culture, literAture, And history in St. Louis And Kyoto, I now live in JApAn full-time, in A Town...

lawrencedenes.com lawrencedenes.com/rss

4 AlAin BAdiou And StAthis KouvelAkis On SyrizA And Wheth...

*Greek Prime Minister Alexis TsiprAs viA JAcobin.* [On JAcobin][1], French journAlist Aude LAncelin And politicAl philosopher AlAin BAdiou Are joined by SyrizA centrAl commit...

conversations.e-flux.com conversations.e-flu...e-is-possible/1339.rss

2 Jennifer SAmpou FAbric Designer

ObservAtion And contemplAtion coupled with the intense desire to creAte something gorgeous And tAngible Are the mAin ingredients thAt drive Jennifer’s work As An Artist. Sin...

www.robertkaufman.com www.robertkaufman.c...s/jennifer_sampou/rss/

0 Culture

Click on the Audio plAyer Above to heAr this interview. The self-declAred IslAmic StAte is on the brink Of losing control Of RAmAdi, A city just 55 miles from BAghdAd. Sinc...

www.thetakeaway.org www.thetakeaway.org/feeds/tags/culture

0 OunceOfwentz's JournAls On Buzznet

My pArents met in August Of 1989. They fell for eAch other, hArd, but there were complicAtions. They were both just teens. My mother wAs A senior in high school, And my dAd hA...

ounceofwentz.buzznet.com ounceofwentz.buzznet.com/user/journal/rss/

0 Welcome To The BlAcknificent Tribune

My OfficiAl StAtement todAy is thAt, I speAk for No One I speAk for no one, EXCEPT for All the Ancient AfrikAns Of Kemet- the originAl nAme thAt wAs chAnged by the greeks to E...

wakeupslaves.tumblr.com wakeupslaves.tumblr.com/rss

0 Get @bAffled

I Am A bAffled observer Of the world Around us; A photogrApher, sAtirist, poet, A food pornogrApher; An Ambitious but AverAge drummer with A penchAnt for tAbloid heAdlines, lA...

thebaffled.tumblr.com thebaffled.tumblr.com/rss

0 Hello DArlings

Writing is A form Of personAl freedom. It frees us from the mAss identity we see in the mAking All Around us. In the end, writers will write not to be outlAw heroes Of some un...

faith-ellie.tumblr.com faith-ellie.tumblr.com/rss

0 My So-CAlled Life

MY GIRLS: JessicA ChAstAin. Ellen PAge. Kristen StewArt. MAggie GyllenhAAl. EmmA Stone. Alison LohmAn. Jennifer Aniston. NAtAlie PortmAn. AngelinA Jolie. RAchel McAdAms. MAndy...

mrscatalano.tumblr.com mrscatalano.tumblr.com/rss

0 DeAl Me In, BAby

The nAme’s Bill Cipher, Demon Of the Mind! I creAted this blog on this site to leArn bit more About humAn Culture And All thAt weird stuff you guys like! I’m still getting...

bill-cipher.tumblr.com bill-cipher.tumblr.com/rss

0 A Penguin Of Very Little BrAin

I’m A Queer AustrAliAn (Chinese + Anglo) member Of GenerAtion Y, by wAy Of MAlAysiA. I lived in Perth for A while, And now cAll Melbourne home. I Am pAssionAte About A hundr...

yiduiqie.tumblr.com yiduiqie.tumblr.com/rss

0 The StochAsticity Of MelAnie

Sto·chAs·ti·city [sto-kAs-ti-sity] n. 1. LAcking Any predictAble order or plAn. (syn. EnigmAtic, ErrAtic, RAndomness.) Mel·A·nie [mel-uh-nee] n. 1. An inAppropriAte 20 so...

qtmelnee.tumblr.com qtmelnee.tumblr.com/rss

0 PAint The Town Red

Musings on the After-hours Arts, Culture, mediA, And technology events Attended by MAtt CAldecutt, A speciAlist in new mediA public relAtions, And the home Of The Consortium L...

paintthetownred.tumblr.com paintthetownred.tumblr.com/rss