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0 A SerIes Of MIssed Steps

What Is thIs about?… Who are You?… Where Is thIs goIng? ThIs Is an experIment In publIc semI-anOnymIty, startIng by wrItIng general thoughts and musIngs. All the whIle add...

theseanachaidh.tumblr.com theseanachaidh.tumblr.com/rss

0 Paul Badger's Sculpture Pages

ThIs Blog Is a celebratIOn of My students work at The Mary Ward Centre and Hampstead School of art In LOndOn. Please feel free to explore for Ideas, InspIratIOn, InformatIOn, ...

pbadgermw.blogspot.com pbadgermw.blogspot..../posts/default?alt=rss

0 SabIno

ThIs Is an InspIratIOn blog that features amateur photographers spotted all over the Internet. Please keep In mInd that I dOn’t take these photos, but You can clIck On the I...

sabino.tumblr.com sabino.tumblr.com/rss

0 NaturIsm As A Way Of LIvIng

As a twenty fIve year NaturIst, I belIeve In the better, posItIve aspects of communIty and socIalIzatIOn IncludIng nudIty I Have experIenced fIrst-hand. OrIgInally I was the p...

centauri4-naturism.tumblr.com centauri4-naturism.tumblr.com/rss

0 Doodles InvIgorate

I’m ShannOn ChIlds, another desIgner who wants to share her thoughts and make You smIle. I started Doodles InvIgorate to creatIvely share Important lIfe challenges and InspI...

doodlesinvigorate.tumblr.com doodlesinvigorate.tumblr.com/rss

0 PIckman's Vault, For The More Mature Reader

Very NSFW Please note that I tag all My NSFW posts wIth the #nsfw tag. So If You dOn’t want to see those posts, get One of them thIngs that can fIlter them out, ‘k? If You...

dickpickmanity.tumblr.com dickpickmanity.tumblr.com/rss

0 VelocIraptors My Butt

You want to know where to fInd stuff that I thInk and say? ThIs Is where You fInd stuff that I thInk and say. Not the STUFF. LInks to the stuff. Because I can’t post everyth...

brianepagel.tumblr.com brianepagel.tumblr.com/rss

0 Http://bIg-brother-blogger.tumblr.com/

BIG BROTHER BLOGGER VersIOn 2.0 To vIsIt the old sIte, please vIsIt: bIgbrotherblogger.tumblr.com TIME ZOnE: EST I want to know Your thoughts and opInIOns! Let’s talk gamepl...

big-brother-blogger.tumblr.com big-brother-blogger.tumblr.com/rss

0 Horny Guy Loves Natural GIrls

I am an always horny man who adores natural gIrls and women. Although I Have a lucky love, I lIke to watch porn and exchange sexual experIence wIth Internet strangers - she do...

wander6.tumblr.com wander6.tumblr.com/rss

0 The World You DOn't Know

I orIgInally started thIs blog to call out people who use ableIst slurs but I Have evolved It to spread InformatIOn about ableIsm and anythIng else that I thInk My followers w...

ableism-in-s...oday.tumblr.com ableism-in-society-today.tumblr.com/rss

0 Master ParIs

PLEASE TAKE THE TIME OnCETO READ THE ENTIRE PAGEher ParIs Lover ©TALK TO ME - WRITE ME(The ASK Box) (After clIckIng - Once the page reloads -Please scroll to - The Bottom of ...

masterparis.tumblr.com masterparis.tumblr.com/rss