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it's now or never, isn't it?

Run through fire for you Like I've never been burned. I don’t wanna put anything here cause Tumblr is a little shit that erases everything but I can tell you that I’m Lizzie Berry, sometimes I cry over fictional characters and I have a compulsive need to ship everyone together and also write in caps. Oh, I’m an anime enthusiastic and the biggest Jonas Brothers fan ever. I also have tons of siblings: some go by the last name Berry, some are Hudsons and others are Weston and Puckerman. Important Note: My boyfriend is the cutest Captain America to ever exist and his arms are hotter than Nick Jonas’s.

Feed: Related:


Run through fire for you Like I've never been burned. I don’t wanna put anything here cause Tumblr is a little shit that erases everything but I can tell you that I’m Lizzie Berry, sometimes I cry over fictional characters and I have a compulsive need to ship everyone together and also write in caps. Oh, I’m an anime enthusiastic and the biggest Jonas Brothers fan ever. I also have tons of siblings: some go by the last name Berry, some are Hudsons and others are Weston and Puckerman. Important Note: My boyfriend is the cutest Captain America to ever exist and his arms are hotter than Nick Jonas’s.
