Join Discord and Fluttershy In Shattered Stone as they begin to
flourish into a passionate couple and realise that their love is not
always appreciated in Equestria. The news of Fluttershy and
Discord’s relationship reached the Equestrian royal family and so
Discord and Fluttershy were invited to receive a royal blessing from
Celestia herself. It was only then that members of Ponyville began to
give their acceptance and approval towards the two lovers. However,
There are still many residents of Equestria that disapprove or even
despise the concept of Fluttershy and Discord being together,
including someone especially close to Fluttershy herself. Who could
possibly be so outraged as to threaten harm towards them? What kind of
friend would want to damage their relationship for good? Ever since
Discord was reformed by the friendship and influence of Fluttershy, he
struggled to maintain his desires for casting dark Chaos magic, even
though he made an oath never to use his magical abilities until he was
required to use them for good. Fluttershy permits him to use the
occasional spell to relieve the urge to cause dismay, confusion and
(of course) chaos and to ensure that he doesn’t revert back to
harmful mischief in Equestria. Regardless of the numerous obstacles
that face them, Fluttershy and Discord still manage to maintain a
strong, loving bond towards each other, and rarely do they turn on
each other. Still, there’s a first time for everything, and even
though the two are strong together, there’s always a possibility
that the events intwining them could turn very, very nasty…