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A webpage dedicated to my already massive Ego.

Hello there! You appear to have made a grievous error in judgement at some point and not only found your way to my blog, but you’ve also made the absurd decision to actually read this section of it. So, I’ll be courteous and give you a moment to avert your eyes. … Well that didn’t work. Huh. Normally that works. Okay so you’re hell bent on reading my thoughts? Huh, might’ve actually clicked this intentionally then. Well! Welcome friend! I run Ask the Voice of the Demon Queen and portray Wrathia in the Ava’s Demon Fandub, which also has its own tumblr! Check them out. -L Ask the Voice of the Demon Queen!

Feed: Related:


Hello there! You appear to have made a grievous error in judgement at some point and not only found your way to my blog, but you’ve also made the absurd decision to actually read this section of it. So, I’ll be courteous and give you a moment to avert your eyes. … Well that didn’t work. Huh. Normally that works. Okay so you’re hell bent on reading my thoughts? Huh, might’ve actually clicked this intentionally then. Well! Welcome friend! I run Ask the Voice of the Demon Queen and portray Wrathia in the Ava’s Demon Fandub, which also has its own tumblr! Check them out. -L Ask the Voice of the Demon Queen!



Hello there! You appear to have made a grievous error in judgement at some point and not only found your way to my blog, but you’ve also made the absurd decision to actually read this section of it. So, I’ll be courteous and give you a moment to avert your eyes. … Well that didn’t work. Huh. Normally that works. Okay so you’re hell bent on reading my thoughts? Huh, might’ve actually clicked this intentionally then. Well! Welcome friend! I run Ask the Voice of the Demon Queen and portray Wrathia in the Ava’s Demon Fandub, which also has its own tumblr! Check them out. -L Ask the Voice of the Demon Queen!



Hello there! You appear to have made a grievous error in judgement at some point and not only found your way to my blog, but you’ve also made the absurd decision to actually read this section of it. So, I’ll be courteous and give you a moment to avert your eyes. … Well that didn’t work. Huh. Normally that works. Okay so you’re hell bent on reading my thoughts? Huh, might’ve actually clicked this intentionally then. Well! Welcome friend! I run Ask the Voice of the Demon Queen and portray Wrathia in the Ava’s Demon Fandub, which also has its own tumblr! Check them out. -L Ask the Voice of the Demon Queen!
