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Guyver (Гайвер, ガイバー, 凯普, กายเวอร์) is an anime and manga series created by Yoshiki Takaya in 1985. It includes 12 episodes OVA, 1 OAV, 2 live action movies (tokusatsu) and 26 episodes Guyver TV series later published on Blu-ray. At 10 February 2013 it was said that there are no plans to make a second season.



Guyver (Гайвер, ガイバー, 凯普, กายเวอร์) is an anime and manga series created by Yoshiki Takaya in 1985. It includes 12 episodes OVA, 1 OAV, 2 live action movies (tokusatsu) and 26 episodes Guyver TV series later published on Blu-ray. At 10 February 2013 it was said that there are no plans to make a second season.
