Hellos, I’m Dave. Lady Texan who loves everything. Here you will
find stuff I like. I play video games and take way too many screencaps
and make gifs. And post all of them. A lot of them. My favorites:
Tali'Zorah, Mass Effect, Bioware, Quarians, Steven Universe, Garnet,
Corpse Party, Dangan Ronpa, Nolan Gerard Funk, Spider-Man, Venom,
Thor, Telltale Games, Gwendoline Christie, Colors, Godzilla, Bowser,
Dragon Ball Z, Mewtwo, Totodile, Pokemon, Spring, Nicki Minaj, Final
Fantasy (VII), Sephiroth, Disney, Lions, Bears, Peacocks, Flowers Feel
free to add me on Steam~ I’m Tusofsky Currently Playing: Undertale,
Persona 3 Playing with Blaine! - Metal Gear Solid Generally doing runs
of Mass Effect and/or Dragon Age on the side