Life is a fragile thing. We have all experienced the passing away of a beloved family member, pet or fantasy football season and understand that all things are temporary. However, for me at least...
The subject of who is going to win the annual Super Bowl can be confusing. Normally I would do my best to give you clear, precise answers, to your pressing Super Bowl questions but instead I am ...
I buy into the madness of March every year. I never win but I do it anyway. There is something just so alluring about filling out a bracket each year that keeps me coming back for more. Maybe it...
I played golf for the first time a couple of weeks ago and the only miracle greater than the fact that I hit the ball on occasion was the fact that nobody got hurt – expect for myself. The day....
With the fight of the century between Floyd “ME-ME-ME-ME” Mayweather and Manny “I-hope-that-I-box-better-than-I-sing” Pacquiao less than a week away I have decided to answer some pressing...
I’ve been receiving a lot of questions about various accounting issues these last few months and I promise to get to them whenever I feel like it. For now however, I want to answer some quest...
I was perusing Yahoo! news this morning and came across an article about funny/mean things that people have put on tombstones and I was reminded that my birthday is this week. I’m turning 38. F...
Due to the fact that my predictions for the 2013 season were so successful (the Minnesota Vikings did in fact end up in last place – 1 out of 10 ain’t bad right?) I’ve decided to offer up ...
With the 2014 NFL draft set to be completed sometime, allegedly, before the 2015 draft starts I thought I would add my two-cents into the menagerie of draft analysis that is currently proliferat...
The 50th post. Quite an accomplishment don’t you think? I’m not referring to me of course, but instead you, my faithful readers. I’m impressed by the fact that you have read the 49 previous...