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Matt C's Tumblelog

Matthew Clanahan; ISFJ; 26-year-old graduate student; Learning Support Specialist and adjunct instructor at Three Rivers College; Bachelor’s of Science in Mass Media/Radio with a minor in math from Southeast Missouri State University; Apple enthusiast; total geek; coffee connoisseur; flannel lover, multiple-instrument musician; drummer for Berlin Airlift; caffeine addict; friend to the LGBT community; Christ follower; ordinary radical Better half: sydthekiddd Interests: peace, love, equality, people, social justice, human rights, feminism, music, vinyl records, lyrics, quotes, art, poetry, films, books, technology, coffee, tea, demilitarization, sustainability, community, community development, community gardening, historic preservation, Jesus, theology, orthodoxy, heterodoxy I now have a book appreciation side blog called Bookshelves Galore where I share my love of books and reading! I listen to a lot of music. I spend a bit too much time swooning. I appreciate meaningful/artistic/literary tattoos.
