Extremely flamboyant space trash king. You can call me Judal, Eden or
Kamui. Always chaotic neutral. I’m more or less an androgynous
metalhead, anime fan, space appreciator, and shitposter who yells at
people on the internet and posts whatever catches my eye and/or
attention. I mostly blog about/post anime (especially Magi and Space
Dandy,) heavy metal, space, some nature stuff, some aesthetic stuff,
the occasional fitness inspiration, purple stuff, glowy neon
stuff,Metalocalypse, Adventure Time, some cute fluffy animals every
once in a while, and lots and lots of shitposts, rants, and random
yelling at clouds. Don’t expect anything NSFW here, but there will
occasionally be SFW pictures and/or fanart of random buff manly
looking guys with long hair because it suits my aesthetic tastes. I
yell about social justice sometimes but I don’t represent anyone or
any group except for myself. Not a feminist, sjw,anti-sjw
anti-feminist, or an mra. I’m not on anybody’s side. My opinions
are my own and I share them whenever I feel like it. Last of all, if
you don’t read the tags, you’re gonna have a bad time.