Terrific article. On point and very well written. Great tips to prepare for the next recession. Thanks for publishing!
Thank you so much for that i really needed a reality check and i can reate to everything you said...Thank you
Interesting piece. I'm an overachiever too. Sounds like I have some of the traits of imposter syndrome. I'm retired now but I am still active sharing my expertise at times; for the right project....
It not only matters how much debt, but how the debt was incurred. Keep in mind, if you marry someone, their debt could someday wind up as your bill (but only if the debt was charged while you wer...
Great tips!
Thanks for this practical and helpful wisdom in the age of geographic mobility.
Well done! And very informative.
Pharmacy has been a good profession for me. But the job market, at least in major metropolitan areas, is VERY tight, We are graduating far too many students, burdening them with far too much debt...
Very interesting data. I do have questions though - how were average salaries established? My concern here is that if the salary sampling was too close to graduation, programs which send a higher...
One thing not mentioned is that some schools may be more expensive, but they are also condensed into a 3-year program. All-in-all, good article and gives me some hope for my upcoming graduation.