Please join us in welcoming our new partner/reviewer, Sakin Shrestha! Briefly about Sakin: Sakin is a Core Contributor, Key Theme Reviewer, WordCamp organizer and speaker. He is als...
As part of our ongoing promise of full transparency and to give others insight into running a WordPress-related business, Emil and I want to share our initial financial report. Currently, we’re...
Justin and I are very excited to announce a soft launch of plugin reviews. Currently we are accepting only a limited number of plugins until we determine the best way to handle the pricing struct...
Just month ago, we Skyped with StudioPress founder Brian Gardner and received his recommendations for Genesis child theme reviews. Genesis is pure code-harmony and with endless possibilities. Las...
When building WordPress themes, there’s a rule that sits at the top of the list of rules. It’s something all developers should do out of habit, not as an afterthought. Prefix everything. What...
Launch went well You have probably heard about my new service by now. You may have seen that my service is now our service – now only few weeks old – and forces are doubled with Justin Tadl...
Since 2010, I’ve been evaluating WordPress themes – making sure things are done well and helping theme developers along the way. In the WordPress Community, I am a senior theme reviewer and ...