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The Girl Who Ate The Peach & Forgot Everything

I’m Stephanie. My blog is a big collection of random things I like. Such as: English Bulldogs, Bush (the band), Gavin Rossdale, David Bowie, Labyrinth, 90s Alternative music, Aerosmith, Disney, Newsies, Broadway, Musicals, Starkid, Darren Criss, Harry Potter, Doctor Who, LOTR, books, Neil Gaiman, Pirates of the Caribbean, Johnny Depp, Tim Burton, South Park, Sex & The City, New York City, Paris, 80s-90s Nostalgia, and various other things, including my soft spot for Nsync, Supernatural, The New Girl, Once Upon a Time, Orange is the New Black, How I Met Your Mother, Friends, Breaking Bad, and probably a lot more stuff. var sc_project=10735806; var sc_invisible=0; var sc_security="1a671e8b"; var scJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://secure." : "http://www."); document.write("");
