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Heir of Dance

So me. my name is Stephen Steinbach. I’m an avid fan of anime conventions and i love to cosplay but i’m not very good. i used to play video games religously but not any more. and now i can’t see anymore of the desctiption so i am basically typing blind. hehe i took typing lessons in high school. Um what else. i play pen and paper roleplaying games but i dislike Dungeons and dragons with great intent. its just not a good system for roleplaying. its for doing 5 hour fights that don’t accomplish much. i prefer GURPS. I quote things all the time especially cartoons and movies. I LOVE MOVIES. i watch movies i own like 20 -30 times each. well i’m gonna leave the rest of this alone to see if i made in spelling mistakes. so thanks for checking out my tumblr and feel free to find a way to say hi. i’m still pretty new to the whole tumblr scene.
