Fast formed monsters - a Mephisto review From Unformed Realms From Unformed Realms is a small, system-independent add-on to generate monsters of the eldritch horror genre or bizarre creatures for...
Hack the Cthulhu Mythos - a Mephisto review Cthulhu Hack Second Edition A few years ago, the role-playing game Cthulhu Hack was released, which is based on the world of H.P. Lovecraft's Cthulhu M...
Cthulhoid identity theft - a Mephisto review Thro' Centuries fixed The starting situation for the adventure Thro' Centuries fixed for Cthulhu Hack is almost classic. The player characters wake up...
The haunter returns - a Mehisto review The Haunter of the Dark The story The Haunter of the Dark by H.P. Lovecraft not only provides the title, but also the starting point for an adventure, which...
Really nice looking dice tray. I really like how quiet it is. Rolling dice in the middle of the night no longer bothers anyone.
Cheers for this. I didn’t realise out of stock masks would be available for back order. I really wanted a tentacle one, but ordered the red sugar skull one. I see just now the tentacle out of s...
Hi there! So, I'm interested in a mask with the design "Dragons of Winter", and I don't mind waiting for it. Can I place a backorder for it? I tried from the product page but it doesn't let me ad...
Hey Fil, special edition Fighting Fantasy mask?
see. In the case of Free League Publishing and Things from the Flood, the dice tray was made by All Rolled Up. Gamegenic is Asmodee powerhouse moving into this space and will be making storage b...